80 Countries Adhere to China’s Vision for ‘Shared Development’

The 2nd High-Level Conference of the Forum on Global Action for Shared Development took place in Beijing from 11 to 13 July 2024. The theme of this edition is “Promoting Sustainable Development: Continuous Actions for a Better Future.”

Chinese Foreign Minister WANG Yi welcomed the delegates from 110 countries. The participants include government officials, experts from Think Tanks, and business leaders.

He stated that the vision of China for shared prosperity is encapsulated in the Global Development Initiative (#GDI). So far, more than 80 countries have joined in the #GDI dialogue and half of them have actually signed the GDI MOU with China.

“As China-Vanuatu and other developing countries work closer and harder together, the results will deliver more equal benefits to the world. I would like to take this opportunity to call on the international community for concrete global action and shared development for all countries.”

Vanuatu PM Charlot Salwai

The topics under discussion included global governance, south-south cooperation, innovation and youth empowerment. The #GDI is meant as a complement to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (#SDG). In fact, the UN SG welcomed the China’s #GDI as a way to contribute to the realization of the SDG.

This Meeting is also part of the run-up to the 9th FOCAC Summit 2024 (#FOCAC2024) which is scheduled to take place in Beijing this fall.

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