FOCAC Summit 2024 Action Plan

Table of Contents


1.1 The Beijing Summit and Ninth Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (#FOCAC) was held in Beijing from September 4 to 6, 2024. The Heads of State, Government and delegation of China and 53 African countries and Chairperson of the African Union Commission (hereinafter referred to as “the two sides”) and their ministers of foreign affairs and of economic cooperation attended the summit and ministerial conference respectively.

1.2 The two sides speak highly of FOCAC’s achievements over the past 24 years. It has kept pace with the prevailing trend of peace, development and win-win cooperation, overcome challenges posed by the changing and turbulent international environment, sluggish global economic recovery and the COVID pandemic, and promoted the comprehensive and in-depth development of friendship and cooperation between China and Africa. It has become an efficient platform for South-South cooperation and a shining example of catalyzing international cooperation with Africa.

1.3 The two sides are satisfied with the comprehensive and effective implementation of the Nine Programs, Dakar Action Plan (2022-2024), China-Africa Cooperation #Vision2035, and Declaration on China-Africa Cooperation on Combating Climate Change put forward at the eighth FOCAC Ministerial Conference and their follow-up actions. The two sides welcome the success of the China-Africa Leaders’ Dialogue held in South Africa and the launch of the Initiative on Supporting Africa’s Industrialization, the Plan for China Supporting Africa’s Agricultural Modernization, and the Plan for China-Africa Cooperation on Talent Development, and will work together to implement these initiatives and plans for common development and prosperity.

1.4 The two sides highly commend the mutual support and assistance to each other during the COVID pandemic and the success of the Extraordinary China-Africa Summit on Solidarity Against COVID-19, which have set an example for the global response and added a new chapter in the China-Africa community with a shared future. China appreciates the support extended by Africa towards its COVID response. The African side commends China for providing Africa with important support and anti-COVID assistance. 

1.5 The two sides speak highly of China-Africa relations which have entered the new era of building a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future. The two sides pledge to remain guided by and uphold openness and inclusiveness in developing China-Africa relations. China will not interfere in African countries’ exploration of development paths that fit their national conditions; China will not interfere in African countries’ internal affairs; China will not impose its will on African countries; China will not attach political strings to assistance to Africa; and China will not seek unilateral political gains in investment and financing cooperation with Africa. The two sides will always uphold the spirit of China-Africa friendship and cooperation, and foster an even stronger comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership between China and Africa.

1.6 The two sides fully recognize their leaders’ advocacy of building a community with a shared future for mankind, and of pursuing high-quality Belt and Road (#BRI) cooperation, the Global Development Initiative (#GDI), the Global Security Initiative (#GSI), the Global Civilization Initiative (#GCI), as well as #Agenda2063 of the African Union and its Second Ten Year Implementation Plan and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The two sides will work with countries across the world, according to international laws, to promote the global governance characterized by extensive consultation and joint contribution for shared benefit, build a new type of international relations, practice humanity’s common values, and contribute to an open, inclusive, clean and pleasant world of lasting peace, universal security and shared prosperity.

1.7 The two sides see Africa as an important partner in Belt and Road cooperation. Inspired by the Silk Road and AU’s 2063 Agenda spirit of peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning, and mutual benefit as well as the principle of planning, building and benefiting together, the two sides undertake to strengthen synergy between the Belt and Road cooperation and the Agenda 2063 of the African Union, especially the Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA), the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (#SDG) of the United Nations and the respective development strategies of African countries, and make greater contribution to international cooperation, global economic growth and the accelerated implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

1.8 China commends Africa’s efforts to seek strength through unity, and accelerate integration in response to various risks and challenges. The two sides are convinced that the development of China and Africa will present more opportunities to human development, collective security and respect for each other’s civilization. The two sides pledge to strengthen cooperation on the abovementioned initiatives and speak with one voice on issues of common interest to developing countries, and jointly call for an equal and orderly #MultipolarWorld and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization.

1.9 The two sides share the view that the world is experiencing unprecedented and historical changes. The robust growth of the #GlobalSouth represented by China and Africa is shaping the trajectory of the world history in a profound way. The two sides always stand in solidarity with other developing countries, uphold independence, actively promote South-South and triangular cooperation, oppose ideology-based bloc confrontation, and safeguard the common interests of the Global South in the ongoing reform of global governance system. The two sides support each other in safeguarding their sovereignty, security and development interests. The African side adheres to the one-China principle and is ready to provide firm support to China on issues relating to its core interests and major concerns.

1.10 The two sides take the view that China, the biggest developing country, is committed to pursuing higher-standard opening up to advance high-quality development, and is endeavoring to build itself into a stronger country and rejuvenate the Chinese nation in all respects by pursuing Chinese modernization. The African side speaks highly of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held in July this year, and believes that the systematic plans drawn up at the session for further deepening reform comprehensively to advance Chinese modernization will bring more opportunities for countries around the world, including African countries. Africa, the continent with the largest number of developing countries, has launched the Second 10-Year Implementation Plan of Agenda 2063 of the African Union and accelerated the building of the African Continental Free Trade Area (#AfCFTA) to build an integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa. The two sides will seek together, on the basis of their respective development and revitalization, to pursue modernization that will enhance peaceful development, mutually beneficial cooperation and common prosperity, and forge a China-Africa partnership characterized by mutual trust, mutual benefit, mutual assistance and mutual understanding, to the greater benefit of the people of both sides. 

1.11 The two sides commend the four high-level meetings held during the Summit, i.e. “increasing experience sharing on national governance in the exploration of paths to modernization,” “industrialization, agricultural modernization and green development—the path to modernization,” “building a shared future of lasting peace and universal security as a strong underpinning of modernization,” “pursuing high-quality Belt and Road cooperation as a platform for modernization featuring planning together, building together and benefiting together” and they will deepen exchanges and cooperation in these areas in line with the important consensus reached by Chinese and African leaders.

1.12 The two sides have jointly formulated and adopted by consensus this Action Plan to implement the outcomes of the Summit, and chart the course of China-Africa friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields in the next three years and beyond under the theme of “Joining Hands to Advance Modernization and Build a High-Level China-Africa Community with a Shared Future.” 


2.1 The African side highly appreciates the key measures to be implemented in the next 3 years announced by President Xi Jinping in the opening ceremony of FOCAC Beijing Summit, and agrees that these measures are forward looking and strategic, corresponding to the needs of the future development of Africa, which will provide a strong impetus to the leapfrog development of the China-Africa cooperation. The African side is ready to work with China, to strengthen the synergy of the development strategies, and jointly promote the effective implementation of these measures.

2.2 China will work with Africa, in the next three years, to implement ten partnership initiatives for joining hands to advance modernization for China and Africa (the ten partnership initiatives), which covers the areas of mutual learning between civilizations, trade prosperity, industrial chain cooperation, connectivity, development cooperation, healthcare, rural revitalization and people’s wellbeing, people-to-people (#P2P) exchanges, green development, and common security.

2.2.1 The partnership initiative for mutual learning between civilizations. China will join hands with Africa to build a dialogue partnership for the Global Civilization Initiative and a platform for governance experience-sharing between China and Africa. China will support the establishment of the China-Africa network of knowledge for development and 25 China-Africa research centers. The African Leadership Academy will be leveraged to train governance talent and 1000 African political party personages invited to China for exchanges.

2.2.2 The partnership initiative for trade prosperity. China will grant duty-free treatment to 100% of the tariff lines of products from least developed countries (#LDC) with diplomatic ties with China; sign framework agreements on economic partnership for shared development with interested African countries; and strengthen cooperation on inspection and quarantine and standards, and expand access for agricultural exports from Africa. China will deepen China-Africa e-commerce cooperation, support African countries in setting up country pavilions in China’s Silk Road e-commerce cooperation pilot zone, and host Cloud Lectures to train African e-commerce talent. China will implement the China-Africa quality enhancement program, establish the China-Africa Center for Standardization Cooperation and Research, and the China-Africa Trade Digitalization Trust Verification Platform, and implement the China-Africa conformity assessment capacity building initiative. 

2.2.3 The partnership initiative for industrial chain cooperation. China will support Africa in developing local value chains, manufacturing and deep processing of critical minerals, build growth circles for China-Africa industrial cooperation in five regions, undertake 10 supporting projects of industrial parks for African countries, and hold 100 training sessions on industrialization. China will advance the development of the pioneering zone for in-depth China-Africa trade and economic cooperation and establish a corresponding fund to promote the integration of industry and trade and interconnected development of industrial parks. China will implement an African small and medium-sized enterprises (#SME) empowerment initiative, which includes financing support for African SMEs, 50 matchmaking activities, and 1,000 training opportunities for African business managers. A China-Africa digital technology cooperation center will be jointly built, facilitate Chinese businesses in undertaking 20 digital infrastructure projects and digital transformation demonstration projects in Africa.

2.2.4 The partnership initiative for connectivity. China firmly supports African integration. China will help implement 30 infrastructure projects in Africa, and continue to provide support for the development of the African Union (#AU) and the African Continental Free Trade Area (#AfCFTA). China will promote interconnected development between transport infrastructure and industrial parks built and operated by Chinese companies in Africa, and build a multimodal sea-rail transport network that connects China’s central and western region to Africa. To enhance financial market connectivity, China will deepen cooperation with Africa in local currency settlement and financial technology, and welcomes the issuance of #PandaBonds by African countries.

2.2.5 The partnership initiative for development cooperation. China will publish with Africa the Joint Statement on Deepening Cooperation under the Framework of the Global Development Initiative, jointly build the Global Development Promotion Center network, and help deliver 1,000 “small and beautiful” projects to improve people’s livelihood. China will support Africa in holding the 2026 Summer Youth Olympic Games and the 2027 African Cup of Nations. China will establish a demonstration center for China-Africa (Ethiopia)-UN (UNIDO) cooperation. For least developed African countries with diplomatic ties with China, China will waive their intergovernmental interest-free loans due by the end of 2024. The Chinese government will replenish the China-World Bank Group Partnership Facility with USD 50 million, which will mainly be used to support inclusive and sustainable development in African countries. China also calls for collective actions of the international community to secure liquidity and other funding support from the private sector for Africa’s sustainable development.

2.2.6 The partnership initiative for healthcare. China will establish an alliance of Chinese and African hospitals, work with African countries to build a number of joint medical centers and traditional medicine centers to enhance cooperation on traditional medicine and smart medicine, and implement a program on minimally invasive medicine. China will deepen technical cooperation on public health with Africa, train 100 professionals, support the development and operation of the Africa CDC headquarters and five sub-regional centers, send 2,000 medical personnel and public health experts to African countries, launch the free medical services program of “100 Medical Teams in 1,000 Villages”, and continue to provide assistance against epidemics in Africa within China’s capacity. China will implement ten healthcare facility programs and ten malaria elimination demonstration programs. It will encourage Chinese businesses to invest in the production of medicines and vaccines in Africa to increase local medicine production capacity. 

2.2.7 The partnership initiative for rural revitalization and people’s wellbeing. China will support Africa in eradicating hunger and achieving food security and sustainable agricultural development, foster a network of China-Africa cooperation on agricultural modernization, help to build or upgrade ten agricultural technology demonstration centers, build no less than 100,000 mu (6667 hectares) of overseas demonstration areas of Chinese agricultural standardization, and provide African countries with RMB 1 billion of emergency food aid. China will establish a China-Africa agricultural science and technology innovation alliance, build 100 demonstration villages for poverty reduction through agricultural development, send 500 agricultural experts to African countries, provide training for 1,000 leaders in pursing a better life through agricultural development, and advance the development of a China-Africa Juncao cooperation center and a China-Africa bamboo center. China will continue to carry out the initiative of “100 Companies in 1,000 Villages”, and implement 500 public welfare projects in such areas as women’s and children’s health, education and training, rural development, and clean drinking water. It will encourage Chinese businesses in Africa to create no less than one million local jobs.

2.2.8 The partnership initiative for people-to-people exchanges. China will continue to implement Future of Africa, a project for China-Africa cooperation on vocational education, build with African countries schools of engineering technology, and set up or upgrade 10 Luban Workshops and 20 schools. China will offer 60,000 training opportunities to Africa, with priorities given to programs for women empowerment and youth development. China will refine the mechanisms and platforms for China-Africa science and education cooperation, and establish China-Africa regional cooperation centers for digital education. China will implement ten people-to-people exchange projects, work with African countries to advance the China-Africa “Cultural Silk Road” program, invite 1,000 African culture and tourism professionals to China for training, carry out a plan of cooperation on radio, television and audiovisual innovation, and designate the year 2026 as the Year of China-Africa People-to-People Exchanges.

2.2.9 The partnership initiative for green development. China will support Africa in enhancing climate adaptation capacity, provide new energy technologies and products, implement 30 clean energy and green development projects, and set up a Special Fund for China-Africa Green Industrial Chain. China will strengthen capacity-building and joint research in such areas as disaster prevention, mitigation and relief, bio-diversity protection, environmental improvement, and desertification treatment, and work with Africa to construct a meteorological early-warning service platform. China will set up the China-Africa Forum on Peaceful Use of Nuclear Technology, build joint laboratories together with African countries and the Africa Center of China-Africa Cooperation Center on Satellite Remote Sensing Application, carry out marine space planning, and support African countries’ participation in the international lunar research station project and China’s lunar and Martian exploration.

2.2.10 The partnership initiative for common security. China will join hands with Africa to establish and implement a Global Security Initiative (#GSI) partnership, build a demonstration zone of Global Security Initiative and conduct early-stage cooperation of the Global Security Initiative. China will provide Africa with an RMB 1 billion military grant to support African countries in strengthening their armed forces, train 6,000 military personnel for Africa, and invite 500 young African military officers to visit China and conduct joint exercises, training and patrols. China will carry out the initiative to help Africa in demining and deepen China-Africa communication and cooperation on security of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). China will train 1,000 police enforcement officers for Africa and jointly ensure the safety of cooperation projects and personnel.

2.3 To ensure the successful implementation of the ten partnership initiatives, China will provide Africa with RMB 360 billion (USD 50 billion) of financial support in the next three years, includes RMB 210 billion credit lines, RMB 80 billion in assistance of different types, no less than RMB 70 billion of investment by Chinese companies, to give strong support for the practical cooperation of China and Africa in all fields .


3.1 High-Level Visits and Dialogue

3.1.1 The two sides appreciate the irreplaceable role that regular communication between Chinese and African leaders plays in leading the development of China-Africa relations, and will take forward issues of overarching and strategic significance to the future direction of China-Africa relations under its guidance, build consensus on global and regional issues, deepen traditional friendship, enhance political trust, and continuously cement the political foundation of China-Africa relations.

3.1.2 The two sides appreciate the fact that Chinese foreign ministers have visited Africa as their first overseas destination at the start of each year for 34 consecutive years, and agree to maintain close high-level exchanges, and strengthen strategic communication and coordination to provide a strong underpinning for the high-quality development of China-Africa relations. In the same vein, several African Ministers of Foreign Affairs and other areas have visited the People’s Republic of China. 

3.1.3. The two sides will further improve mechanisms such as Bi-national Commissions (#BNC), intergovernmental commissions, strategic dialogues, foreign ministers’ political consultations, joint/mixed commissions on economic and trade cooperation, joint working groups, and steering committees. The coordinators’ meeting on the implementation of the outcomes of the 2024 Beijing Summit of the #FOCAC will be held in due course.

3.2 Exchanges Between Political Parties, Legislatures, Consultative Bodies and Local Governments

3.2.1 The two sides believe that exchanges and cooperation between political parties, legislatures, consultative bodies and local governments are important components of China-Africa cooperation, and are of important significance to deepening experience sharing on national governance, increasing mutual understanding and mutual trust, and consolidating the political foundation of China-Africa relations.

3.2.2 The two sides will further intensify, where possible in a predictable manner, high-level exchanges between Chinese and African political parties, deepen bilateral and multilateral political dialogues, strengthen cooperation on the capacity building of political parties, and support African political parties in strengthening governance capabilities and independently exploring paths to modernization suited to their respective national conditions.

3.2.3 The two sides will strengthen exchanges and cooperation between the leadership, special committees, work committees, friendship groups, deputies and members, and administrative offices of the National People’s Congress of China and the parliaments of African countries, and organize bilateral and multilateral workshops to increase mutual understanding and friendship and strengthen exchanges and mutual learning in such areas as legislation. The two sides will work together to improve exchanges and cooperation between the Chinese Supreme People’s Court and the Court of Justice of the African Union as well as between Chinese and African judicial bodies. The two sides undertake to work together to develop and share the work programme for these engagements.

3.2.4 The two sides will strengthen friendly interaction between the National People’s Congress of China and African regional parliamentary organizations, including the Pan-African Parliament and the African Parliamentary Union, and strengthen cooperation with parliaments of African countries in the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and other international institutions to safeguard common interests and international fairness and justice.

3.2.5 The two sides will further promote exchanges and cooperation between the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), the special committees and China-Africa Friendship Group under the CPPCC National Committee, and African countries, sub regional or regional organizations and personages from across sectors. 

3.2.6 The two sides will deepen exchanges between the China Economic and Social Council and such institutions as the AU Economic, Social and Cultural Council (#ECOSCOCC), the Union of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions of Africa, and economic and social councils of African countries.

3.2.7 The two sides will encourage local governments to establish more sister provinces/cities relations on a voluntary, equal, friendly and mutually beneficial basis, will promote local economic and commercial cooperation and will strengthen institution building of the China-Africa Forum on Cooperation Between Local Governments and the China-Africa People’s Forum, and advance the materialization of the Action on Silk Road People-to-People Connectivity and the Silk Road #NGO Cooperation Network in African countries. The two sides will tap into the role of the China-Africa Friendship Organization Leaders Meeting, and encourage exchanges and cooperation between Chinese and African friendship organizations.

3.2.8 The two sides will continue to encourage their labor unions to strengthen cooperation through means of mutual visits, thematic seminars, capacity building and information sharing.

3.3 China and the African Union

3.3.1 The two sides commend the new progress in African integration and the important achievements in the institutional reform of the AU. China congratulates the AU’s accession to #G20, and will continue to support the AU’s participation and setting of its own priority goals in G20 cooperation.

3.3.2 The two sides acknowledge the important role of the AU in safeguarding peace and stability in Africa and promoting African integration. China will continue to support the AU’s capacity building in conflict prevention and resolution, following the principle of Africa solutions to African problems.  

3.3.3 China will continue to support the AU and African countries in implementing the #PIDA, and is ready to strengthen African connectivity based on a market-oriented approach, work together on the Second PIDA Priority Action Plan, promote joint project planning, further support the AU Development Agency-New Partnership for Africa’s Development (#AUDA-#NEPAD) in strengthening capacity building, and hold thematic training sessions on human resources. China is ready to provide trade preferences to African countries through more flexible pragmatic comprehensive and convenient trade liberalization arrangements. The two sides commend the contribution by the China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo (#CAETE) held in Hunan Province, China, to subnational economic and trade cooperation between China and Africa. China will continue to work to strengthen the confidence of Chinese enterprises in investing in Africa, and further increase investment in and technology transfer to Africa. The China-Africa Development Fund (#CADFUND) will continue to play an important role in this regard. The African side is ready to work with China to create a better trade and investment environment, and promote the integration of the African and Chinese markets to provide greater impetus for the common development and prosperity of the two sides. China will continue to support the development of the #AfCFTA and the growth of trade within Africa through the creation of value chains. China will continue to support the AU’s capacity building, and support the negotiation of a Memorandum of Understanding on Economic and Trade Cooperation and the establishment of a joint economic and trade commission with the AU.

3.3.5 The two sides support the Africa Center for Disease Control and Prevention (#CDC) and welcome the operationalization of the African Medicines Agency (#AMA). The two sides stand ready to continue to cultivate Africa’s local medicine industry through public and private investments.

3.3.6 The two sides will intensify exchanges and cooperation between China and the AU and its subordinate institutions, strengthen communication and coordination to build consensus on African development, governance experience, development strategy and international and regional issues, and support the Pan-African Payment and Settlement System (PAPSS) and the establishment of cooperation mechanisms between the African Broadcasting Union and the Chinese side. The two sides will work for more outcomes of the cooperation between the AU and the African Regional Economic Communities to benefit more populations through inclusive and prosperous development.

3.4 Peace and Security Cooperation

3.4.1 Global Security Governance The two sides underscore that peace and security in Africa remains an important part of their cooperation, and are willing to jointly implement the GSI and carry out early cooperation on the GSI with the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security. The two sides will join hands in implementing the important consensus reached at the high-level meeting themed “building a shared future of lasting peace and universal security as a strong underpinning of modernization.” China and Africa will further advance the implementation of the China-Africa peace and security plan and deepen communication and coordination on major global and regional security issues, as part of their efforts to improve the global security governance system and safeguard international fairness and justice. The two sides commend the mediation efforts of Angola under the support of the AU in the security crisis in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo. In fulfillment of the GSI, China is ready to host training programs on defense and security for African countries, so as to improve security governance. China welcomes the participation of all African countries at these training programs. The two sides applaud the positive contribution of China and Africa in safeguarding regional and global peace and stability, and believe that all countries should stay committed to the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security, to respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, to abiding by the purposes and principles of the U.N. Charter, to taking the legitimate security concerns of all countries seriously, to peacefully resolving disagreements and disputes between countries through dialogue and consultation, and to maintaining security in both traditional and non-traditional domains. The two sides are committed to privilege African solutions to African problems, and jointly to fully implement the initiative of Silencing the Guns in Africa. However, China will offer its mediation as much as possible when requested in the context of conflict resolution in Africa. The two sides believe that the African Peace and Security Architecture is a powerful regulative framework to tackle security challenges and threats faced by the African continent, and call on the international community to continue to tackle regional challenges through diplomatic means. The African side appreciates the Outlook on Peace and Development in the Horn of Africa put forward by China. We reiterate that we will have closer coordination and cooperation on African peace and security affairs in the U.N. Security Council and to uphold our common interests. China is ready to promote the channeling of more global counterterrorism resources to developing countries, and work with African countries to enhance their capacity building of fighting against terrorism and violent extremism. China supports the initiative of AUDA-NEPAD to develop a program focused on the peace-security-development tripartite nexus, and will support the AU Center for Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development in the implementation of these programs.

3.4.2 Peacekeeping, Counterterrorism, Law Enforcement, and Consular Affairs China supports African countries’ efforts to build collective security mechanisms, to independently carry out peace-keeping operations, to maintain regional security, to fight against terrorism and to focus on African solutions for African problems. China reaffirms its commitment to supporting the revitalized African Peace Fund. China asserts to play a pivotal role in strengthening this crucial initiative, including the contribution of necessary expertise. This support underscores China’s dedication to enhancing peace and stability across the African continent and pledges to work collaboratively with the African Union Fund for the realization of peaceful and prosperous Africa. The AU expresses its gratitude to China for the great support provided to the Continental Logistic Base in Douala and also for the UN resolution 2719 establishing the framework towards providing predictable and sustainable financing for the AU Peace Support Operations through the UN assessed contributions. China supports African countries’ efforts to fight terrorism and opposes politicizing or adopting double-standards on counterterrorism, and calls on the international community to redouble support to African countries for their counterterrorism capacity building. Both parties undertake not to offer shelter to individuals prosecuted for acts of terrorism or financing terrorism. China will provide expertise and support to the African Center for Study and Research on Terrorism based in Algiers as well as the office in Rabat of the UN Programme for the fight against terrorism and training in Africa. The two sides will continue to enhance cooperation in peacekeeping and counterterrorism within the U.N. framework, strengthen exchanges of peacekeeping policies and skills, and conduct joint exercises and on-site training between Chinese and African peacekeeping troops and cooperation on small arms, light weapons control and homemade explosives. In this regard, African countries, particularly those located in the Horn of Africa, Cabo Delgado and the Sahel, lastingly affected by the scourge of terrorism, will be further supported in strengthening their capacities in the fight against terrorism. The two sides will continue to hold the series of meetings of the China-Africa Peace and Security Forum, improve its professional standards, strengthen its institutional building, and encourage more exchanges between Chinese and African young and middle-aged military officials. China and Africa will continue to strengthen communication platforms on peace and security at various levels and in various fields. The two sides will continue to step up intelligence sharing and action coordination on combating international terrorist organizations, and to support African countries’ efforts of improving counterterrorism capacity. China and Africa will continue to work together to safeguard the security of shipping lanes in the Gulf of Aden, the Gulf of Guinea, Indian Ocean and Somali waters. The African side appreciates China’s initiatives relating to its advocacy in favor of Africa in the fight against terrorism at the level of international bodies. Taking into account the fact that the Sahel has become the area of Africa most affected by terrorism currently, the African side wishes more support from China in the fight against this scourge which negatively impacts any socioeconomic development action of the region. China will continue to provide law enforcement training programs according to the needs of African police departments, and will continue to provide police equipment assistance to African countries to the best of its capabilities. The two sides will increase intelligence sharing and investigation collaboration within the frameworks of the International Criminal Police Organization(Interpol), the African Union Mechanism for Police Cooperation(Afripol), regional cooperation organizations and bilateral arrangements. China is ready to carry out institutionalized cooperation with the Afripol, hold regular ministerial dialogue on law enforcement security with 14 East African countries, and work with the Eastern Africa Police Chiefs Cooperation Organization (EAPCCO) and its member countries on Belt and Road security, combating transnational crimes and law enforcement capacity building. The two sides will work together to combat the illegal transfer and abuse of small arms, light weapons and ammunition. China is ready to engage with African countries in exchange of policy and experience on such issues as identifying, tracing, and the management of end users of small arms, light weapons and ammunition. China is ready to provide African countries with necessary technical support and material assistance to the best of its capabilities. The two sides will work more closely to combat crimes that infringe upon the safety of life, environmental degradation and national security such as illegal mining of gold and other minerals, and smuggling and trafficking of wildlife, and on narcotics control, fugitives’ repatriation and asset recovery, trafficking of human beings and human bones. In the same order, the two sides will encourage scientific exchanges capable of leading to the development of their systems for rapid detection of counterfeit pharmaceutical items, currency and any other item sold on African markets. The two sides will work more closely to combat illegal immigration and trafficking of human beings in the continent. China is ready to support the AU in the implementation of the AU Migration Policy Framework for Africa and Plan of Action 2018–2030, The Africa Common Position on Migration and Development, as well as The Continental Policy on the Prevention of Trafficking in Persons in Africa, The Continental Policy on the Prevention of Smuggling in Migrants in Africa, The Continental Guidelines on Return, Readmission and Reintegration, and The Organization of the African Union Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa. The two sides encourage the negotiation of mutual legal assistance and extradition agreements and will facilitate the consular protection of their respective nationals. The two sides will further facilitate exchanges of personnel from all sectors, streamline the visa application procedure, in favor of officials, businessmen, tourists, students and increase the efficiency of visa approval. 

3.4.3 Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence The African side welcomes the Global #AI Governance Initiative and the Global Initiative on Data Security put forward by China, appreciates China’s efforts in strengthening developing countries’ rights concerning global AI governance, and is willing to work with China to implement the U.N. General Assembly resolution on enhancing international cooperation on capacity building of AI. The two sides believe that it is important to put equal emphasis on development and security, bridge the AI and digital divide, jointly prevent risks, and build an international governance framework in this field with the U.N. as the main channel. The two sides oppose drawing lines on an ideological basis or putting together exclusive blocs, and creating development barriers through technological monopoly and unilateral coercive measures to hinder AI development of other countries. The two parties also intend to cooperate to stem the potential dangers that could arise in AI use. The two sides will strengthen international cooperation on capacity building of #AI and promote exchanges in such areas as rules governing cross-border data flow, legitimate and safe application of new technologies, personal privacy protection, and internet laws and regulations within the international frameworks including the Global AI Governance Initiative, the China-Africa Initiative on Jointly Building a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace, and the Global Initiative on Data Security, if applicable so as to jointly advance rules-making for global digital governance. The two sides will conduct exchanges and dialogue on AI, data security and in other areas. The two sides will encourage the contact and communication between their national computer emergency response teams (CERT), carry out cross-border handling of cybersecurity cases, information sharing, and experience exchange, enhance cooperation on cybersecurity emergency response and make study trips. The African side appreciates the positive role played by the China-Africa Internet Development and Cooperation Forum in deepening China-Africa cooperation on the cybersecurity and informatization, and will work with China to make good use of platforms such as the China-Africa Exchange and Cooperation Center on Cybersecurity and Informatization, and jointly promote the implementation of the consensus reached at the Forum.

3.4.4 Nuclear Security, Biosecurity, and Nonproliferation The two sides reiterate that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought, and support the downgrading of nuclear weapons’ role in national security policies. The two sides call on nuclear-weapon states to adopt the policy of no-first-use of nuclear weapons, to negotiate and conclude a treaty on no-first-use of nuclear weapons against one another or issue a political statement on this, and to support the negotiation of international legal instruments on providing negative security assurances to non-nuclear-weapon states. The two sides call on all nuclear-weapon states to give their full support to the building of an African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone and the Pelindaba Treaty, including ratifying the additional protocols to the African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty, and to continue to support regional countries in their efforts to build nuclear and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction Frees Zones in the Middle East. The two sides will strengthen cooperation on peaceful uses of nuclear technologies, and continue to enhance communication and cooperation through the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the African Regional Cooperation Agreement for Research, Development and Training in the Field of Nuclear Science and Technology (AFRA) and African Commission on Nuclear Energy (AFCONE) and other platforms. China and Africa will jointly promote a new order for global nuclear governance that is equitable and just and takes into consideration the actual conditions and needs of developing countries. The two sides will discuss the signing of a document of China Atomic Energy Authority-IAEA-AU cooperation on peaceful uses of nuclear technologies, and will leverage the strengths of all sides to provide public goods and services to African countries in their development through peaceful uses of nuclear technologies. The two sides will support programs concerning nuclear infrastructure construction, the development and use of uranium resources, and the promotion of nuclear technology application, with a view to supporting African countries in developing the industry of peaceful uses of nuclear technologies. The two sides will work to improve global biosecurity governance, uphold the authority of such international laws as the Biological Weapons Convention, and strengthen policy coordination and results-oriented cooperation. The two sides believe that peaceful uses of technology is an inalienable right of all countries under international law, and support the resolution of Promoting International Cooperation on Peaceful Uses in the Context of International Security adopted by the U.N. General Assembly.

3.5 Cooperation on International Affairs

3.5.1 The two sides are of the view that the world has entered a new period of turbulence and transformation, but the overall direction of human development and progress will not change, the overall dynamics of world history moving forward amid twists and turns will not change, and the overall trend toward a shared future for the international community will not change. With similar historical tribulations, a common journey of struggle and the same development tasks, China and Africa will work together to defend the development space and common interests of developing countries, and inject more positive energy and certainty into the world.

3.5.2 The two sides note that this year marks the 70th anniversary of the initiation of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. China commends Uganda for successfully hosting the 19th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement and the Third Southern Summit, supports African countries in their in-depth participation in global governance and in playing a more significant role in international affairs, and supports Africans in serving as heads of international organizations and institutions.

3.5.3 The two sides advocate an equal and orderly multipolar world, and maintain that all countries, regardless of differences in terms of geographical size, population density and socioeconomic development, should have equal rights, equal opportunities and follow the same rules, uphold the international system with the U.N. at its core, the international order underpinned by international law and the basic norms governing international relations based on the purposes and principles of the U.N. Charter, oppose the monopoly of international affairs by a few countries, oppose hegemonism and power politics, and make #GlobalGovernance more just and equitable.

3.5.4 The two sides call for necessary reform and strengthening of the U.N. including its Security Council, redressing the historical injustices done to Africa, and increasing the representation of developing countries, African countries in particular, in the U.N. and its Security Council. China supports making special arrangements on the U.N. Security Council (#UNSC) reform to meet Africa’s aspiration as a priority. The two sides believe that Eritrea, South Sudan, Sudan and Zimbabwe have the right to decide the future of their own country and continue their economic and social development, and we demand that the United States and other Western countries put an end to the long-term sanctions and unjust treatment imposed on these countries.

3.5.5 The two sides advocate a universally beneficial, inclusive economic globalization, development oriented, and maintain that countries should uphold the multilateral trading system with the World Trade Organization (WTO) at its core, ensure that people from all countries, sectors and backgrounds will participate in and enjoy the fruits of economic and social development, properly address development imbalances between and within countries, keep the global industrial and supply chains stable and smooth, oppose all forms of unilateralism, protectionism and maximum pressure, oppose erecting walls and barriers, decoupling and supply disruption, step up reform of international trade and investment, encourage all parties to respect each other’s legitimate interests and concerns, and increase the vitality and impetus of global economic growth. The two sides are ready to strengthen communication and cooperation within the WTO framework, and agree to continue discussion in the #WTO on Investment Facilitation for Development.

3.5.6 The two sides call for accelerating reform of the international financial system and strengthening the representation and voice of developing countries in global economic governance. China and Africa will enhance cooperation to ensure a comprehensive reform of the Global Financing Governance System that responds to the specific needs of developing countries. Developed countries should assume the primary responsibility for development financing, and meet their ODA commitments and climate financing obligations with particular attention to vulnerable countries. Multilateral development banks should enrich and innovate in investment and financing tools, provide more financing tools to support poverty reduction and development, increase the participation and voting rights of developing countries and emerging market countries, give full consideration to developing countries in the allocation of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs), and make the international monetary and financial system better reflect the changes in the world economic structure. As the largest creditors of developing countries, multilateral financial institutions and commercial creditors must actively participate in debt relief and suspension, and provide more development resources for developing countries. China and Africa will work together in preparation for the upcoming Summit for the Future as well as the Fourth International Conference on Financing for the Development (FfD), which will take place from June 30 to July 3, 2025 in Spain.

3.5.7 The two sides believe that the development of human rights should be people-centered, and that all countries have the right to follow a path of human rights development that suits their own sociocultural values for an Africa under the law with good governance, democracy, respect for human rights and justice. The two sides are ready to conduct human rights exchanges and cooperation on the basis of mutual respect and equality, jointly organize human rights exchange and training programs, and hold the China-Africa Forum on Human Rights Cooperation. Both sides oppose the politicization of human rights issues, oppose interference in other countries’ internal affairs in the name of human rights, and support increasing the representation and voice of developing countries in multilateral human rights institutions.

3.5.8 China commends South Africa for successfully hosting the 15th #BRICS Leaders’ Meeting, congratulates Ethiopia and Egypt on joining the BRICS Cooperation Mechanism, and welcomes the participation of more African countries in BRICS cooperation.

3.5.9 China supports African countries in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and is ready to contribute to Africa’s sustainable development through such platforms as the China-U.N. Fund for Peace and Development, the Global Development and South-South Cooperation Fund, the Global Development Promotion Center, and the Global Action Forum for Shared Development.

3.5.10 The African side commends China for supporting the AU as a full member of the G20. China will continue to strengthen communication with African countries within the frameworks of G20, BRICS, the Group of 77 plus China, the U.N. Economic and Social Council, and the Second Committee of the U.N. General Assembly, and to strengthen collaboration in such areas as poverty reduction, food security, climate change, connectivity, artificial intelligence, industrialization, and development financing.

3.5.11 The two sides believe that Africa is a partner for international cooperation, not an arena for major power contest, and call on more countries and organizations to partner Africa in its quest for development and form effective synergy in this regard. On the basis of fully respecting the will of African countries, China will conduct Africa-related trilateral and multilateral cooperation with all relevant parties, and seek mutual benefit by unlocking the complementarity of strengths.


4.1 Experience Sharing on National Governance

4.1.1 The two sides believe that modernization is the common aspiration of the peoples of all nations, including China and African countries. It is the historical mission of China and Africa to join hands in advancing modernization with a view to building a high-level China-Africa community with a #SharedFuture. The two sides respect each other’s right to choose their own political system independently and support each other in pursuing a path to modernization suited to the distinctive features of their own cultures and development needs. The two sides will work together to implement the important consensus reached at the high-level meeting themed “increasing experience sharing on national governance in the exploration of paths to modernization,” and increase exchanges between states, parliaments, governments, departments and local regions to deepen experience sharing on national governance, modernization, and poverty reduction, among other areas. The African side, through advancing its own modernization, is ready to join hands with the Chinese side in realizing #CommonProsperity and development.

4.1.2 China will deepen experience sharing on development with the African side and, based on the will of the African side, help it formulate economic and social development plans, build governing capacity and enhance the level of state governance.

4.1.3 The two sides will enhance sharing of development philosophies, and build mechanisms and platforms for the exchange of modernization experience, as well as an independent knowledge system.

4.1.4 The two sides commend the Consensus Among African and Chinese Think Tanks on Deepening Global Development Cooperation (also known as the Africa-China #DarEsSalaamConsensus) issued by Chinese and African think tanks and scholars. The two sides are committed to exploring independent and people-centered development paths of mutual respect and mutual learning, advocate and support the establishment of an online platform for China-Africa think tank alliances, and will promote the high-quality development of the China-Africa Consortium of Universities Exchange Mechanism, with the aim of deepening exchanges and mutual learning in such fields as national governance and modernization.

4.1.5 The two sides will strengthen experience sharing on the supervision and management of state-owned assets and explore ways to reform state-owned enterprises based on their respective national conditions, so that state-owned enterprises will improve their corporate governance and efficiency, and better serve high-quality social and economic development.

4.1.6 The two sides will improve the operation of the FOCAC Law-based Governance Forum, continue to hold the Conference on Legal Risks and Countermeasures of International Investment and Trade, increase support for the exchange program of legal personnel between China and Africa, and promote the development of the China-Africa Joint Arbitration Center, to provide legal support and safeguard for Belt and Road cooperation.

4.2 Inter-Civilizational Exchanges and Mutual Learning

4.2.1 The two sides believe that at a time when the future of all countries are closely linked, inclusiveness, coexistence, exchanges and mutual learning among different civilizations play an irreplaceable role in advancing the modernization of human society and in promoting cultural diversity. As both Chinese and African civilizations are important components of world civilization, deepening China-Africa cultural exchanges and mutual learning is of great significance for building a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future. The two sides will jointly implement the #GCI, increase engagement and cooperation in education, science and technology, health, tourism, sports, youth, women, think tanks, media, culture, etc., strengthen cultural exchanges, and enhance people-to-people ties, to cement the social foundation for friendship between China and Africa.

4.2.2 The two sides are committed to preserving the diversity of world civilizations, champion equality, mutual learning, dialogue, and inclusiveness, and call on all countries to overcome cultural estrangement, clashes, and superiority through exchanges, mutual learning and coexistence. The two sides firmly oppose the universalization of individual values and models, and stand firmly against ideological confrontation.

4.2.3 The two sides will continue to hold the Conference on Dialogue between Chinese and African Civilizations, support building a global network for inter-civilization dialogue and cooperation, and organize African civilizations exhibitions in China. This will further enhance cultural exchanges and mutual learning between China and Africa, strengthen mutual understanding and friendship between the peoples, and contribute to the development and progress of human civilization.

4.2.4 The two sides will facilitate the opening of more cultural centers in China and Africa, support exchanges and cooperation between institutions in academic research, press and media, film and television production, etc., promote exchanges and mutual visits among the youth, and strengthen experience sharing on gender equality and women empowerment.

4.2.5 The two sides will strengthen education exchanges and cooperation, and hold a China-Africa-UNESCO dialogue in education and cultural heritage protection.

4.2.6 The two sides will enhance cultural heritage exchanges and cooperation, including joint archaeological studies, protection and restoration of historical sites, and museum exhibitions, carry out joint archaeological exploration of ancient countries and ancient sites, jointly combat illicit trafficking of cultural property, and facilitate the return of stolen or illegally excavated or traded cultural property to the country of origin.

4.3 Anti-Corruption Cooperation

4.3.1 The two sides recognize that integrity is the shared value of all the countries in the world including China and African countries, and combating corruption is of high importance for upholding equity and justice and promoting sustainable economic development. The two sides will enhance mutual learning on anti-corruption governance, and foster a cleaner and more efficient business environment for China-Africa cooperation.

4.3.2 Committed to upholding the United Nations Convention Against Corruption as the main channel, the two sides will make full use of international legal instruments to enhance cooperation in fugitive repatriation and asset recovery, make joint efforts to fight cross-border corruption, and, as domestic law permits, strengthen coordination and collaboration in more flexible ways.

4.3.3 The two sides will strengthen coordination and collaboration in the U.N., BRICS, and other multilateral mechanisms to promote the building of equitable, effective and inclusive global anti-corruption rules and governance system. The two sides encourage joining and utilizing the Global Operational Network of Anti-Corruption Law Enforcement Authorities (GlobE) for cracking down on cross-border corruption, to deny safe haven for corrupt individuals and assets. 

4.3.4 The two sides will, on the basis of equality, justice, mutual respect and learning and win-win cooperation, strengthen exchanges and cooperation in judicial, law enforcement and legislative areas and accelerate the signing of treaties on extradition, legal assistance and criminal matters and other relevant agreements.

4.4 Think Tank Exchanges

4.4.1 The two sides recognize that think tanks are important bridges for the sharing of philosophies and ideas between China and African countries. The two sides speak highly of the outcomes of their academic exchanges, and will fully leverage the role of think tanks to build platforms for enhancing mutual understanding and provide intellectual support to China-Africa practical cooperation.

4.4.2 The two sides will continue to hold the FOCAC #ThinkTank Forum, promote the implementation of the Initiative on Building a China-Africa Think Tank Cooperation Network, support long-term and stable cooperation between Chinese and African academic institutions, and encourage relevant institutions to carry out joint research projects.

4.4.3 The two sides will continue to support the development of the Belt and Road African Studies Alliance, conduct cooperation on scientific research digitalization and decision-making research, and promote theoretical innovation and the application of scientific research results.


5.1 Prioritizing Infrastructures and Connectivity

5.1.1 China supports the #AUDA-#NEPAD Agency in the execution of projects aimed at facilitating continental connectivity within the framework of the Second #PIDA Priority Action Plan (PAP II 2021-2030). The two parties will act to create synergy between the projects planned in the “Belt and Road” Initiative and the PAP II of PIDA in order to develop logistical connectivity between China and Africa including through maritime routes and shipping lines and thereby increase volume of trade.

5.1.2 China-Africa cooperation in infrastructure has contributed to dramatically changing the face of the continent with the construction of railways, roads, ports and airports, which have a positive impact on economic growth in Africa, regional integration, and the free movement of people and goods. The ambition of PIDA is to unify and support the efforts of the AU through efficient partnerships to develop infrastructure on the continent in the transport, energy, digital economy and infrastructure in the hydraulics sectors. In this sense, China will support the AUDA-NEPAD for its implementing connectivity projects in the five African sub-regions to improve economic integration in the national, sub-regional and continental level and to reduce the continent’s infrastructure deficit. These infrastructures will have a positive impact on the implementation of the AfCFTA by increasing intra-african trade and Sino-African trade.

5.1.3 China encourages private sectors to work together with the African Development Bank (AfDB), the African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank), African sub-regional banks, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and the New Development Bank (NDB) to expand investment in Africa’s infrastructure under the support of Chinese financial institutions especially those participating in the Belt and Road cooperation.

5.2 Investment and Industrial and Supply Chain Cooperation

5.2.1 The two sides believe that cooperation on investment and industrial and supply chains plays an important role in Africa’s economic and social development and transformation. Africa speaks highly of the 11 industrialization and employment promotion assistance projects undertaken by China for Africa since the eighth FOCAC Ministerial Conference, and commends China for actively expanding its investment in Africa.

5.2.2 Africa welcomes China’s proposal of building a Network of Partnership on New Industrial Revolution, and will work with China to advance the building of the Network to capitalize on the opportunities of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

5.2.3 The two sides will assist African countries in formulating industrial development strategies suited to their national realities, further tap the potential of China-Africa industrial chain cooperation, and bring China-Africa cooperation to wider areas and higher levels.

5.2.4 China will hold the symposium on high-quality development of China-Africa investment cooperation, continue to encourage Chinese enterprises to invest in Africa, regularly publish the Report on Chinese Investment in Africa, carry out syndicated loan cooperation, third-party cooperation and Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs), to continuously optimize and upgrade the modes of China-Africa cooperation.

5.2.5 China will support the building of subnational platforms for economic and trade exchange with Africa, and promote synergies between the development of local industrial parks in China and Africa.

5.2.6 The two sides support enhancing policy guidance and information services for the development and cooperation of SMEs, and encourage them to carry out cooperation on capacity building of management personnel. China will launch a special program to support the development of African SMEs, support Africa in better leveraging the Special Loan for the Development of African SMEs, to promote employment and improvement of people’s livelihood through accessible and affordable financing.

5.2.7 The two sides will carry out production capacity cooperation in the resource-intensive, labor-intensive, technology or capital-intensive industries based on local conditions. China supports Chinese enterprises in expanding investment in Africa’s trade supply chain, green industrial chain, modern services, medium- and high-tech manufacturing, information and communication industries, energy and electricity, and digital infrastructure, and will encourage them to promote recruitment and training for local jobs.

5.2.8 China will give full play to the role of export credit insurance, focus on key platforms such as the pilot zone for in-depth China-Africa economic and trade cooperation, and the China-Africa economic and trade cooperation zone, and increase insurance support for traditional and emerging areas in China-Africa cooperation.

5.2.9 The two sides will work together to maintain the stability of the mineral supply chain, promote mineral value addition in Africa by developing smelting technology, support the expansion of smelting, processing and other upstream and downstream sectors of mining industry as well as infrastructure construction, and explore mining deep processing projects in Africa, with a view to transforming Africa’s resource endowments into advantages of economic development.

5.2.10 China will sign or upgrade agreements with African countries on bilateral investment protection and on avoidance of double taxation, to encourage and promote two-way investment, protect the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese and African companies, and create an open, fair, transparent, and non-discriminatory business environment for investment cooperation between the two sides.

5.3 Science and Technology Cooperation and Knowledge Sharing

5.3.1 The two sides recognize that China-Africa cooperation on technological innovation is advancing rapidly and emerging as a new spot within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative and FOCAC. Both sides applaud the progress made in sci-tech cooperation since the eighth Ministerial Meeting of FOCAC. The African side commend China for sharing its fruits in sci-tech development, experience and best practices in innovation-driven development to help accelerate digital transformation in Africa.

5.3.2 Both sides support the establishment of China-Africa innovation cooperation center, and agree to continue such events as the China-Africa Innovation Cooperation Conference, the China-Africa Innovation Cooperation and Development Forum, and the China-Africa Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition.

5.3.3 The two sides will jointly develop a cooperation network for scientific and technological innovation under the principle of planning together, building together and benefiting together, implement the Belt and Road Action Plan for Science and Technology Innovation and the China-Africa Science and Technology Partnership Program 2.0, enhance cooperation in personnel exchanges, development of joint laboratories, technology transfer and science and technology parks, and carry out special cooperation programs in sustainable development, innovation and entrepreneurship, spatial information technology and technology-enabled poverty reduction, among other areas.

5.3.4 The two sides will, by leveraging the role of the China-Africa joint research center at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, strengthen cooperation in such areas as biodiversity, ecology and environment, modern agriculture, natural disaster prevention and mitigation, and public health. The two sides will implement the Africa Food-Water-Environment Protection and Scientific Development Action and carry out research programs under the Belt and Road Action Plan for Sustainable Development in order to advance development in Africa. 

5.3.5 The two sides commend the issuance of the white paper on China-Africa aerospace cooperation and will continue discussions on establishing an aerospace cooperation mechanism within the framework of FOCAC. 

5.3.6 China will continue to hold China-Africa Beidou Cooperation Forum, work to establish centers for Beidou application cooperation and development in African countries, and promote cooperation programs based on Beidou application in agriculture, transportation and other areas, so that the Beidou Satellite Navigation System can better serve African countries.


6.1 Agricultural Cooperation and Technology Transfer

6.1.1 The two sides agree that agricultural modernization is one of the tools that can assist African countries to pursue independent and sustainable development. The two sides will work together to implement the important consensus reached at the high-level meeting themed “Industrialization, Agricultural Modernization and Green Development—the path to modernization.” Africa commends China’s release of the Plan for China Supporting Africa’s Agricultural Modernization at the 2023 China-Africa Leaders’ Dialogue and notes with appreciation the joint efforts by China and the AU to compile the China-Africa Cooperation Planning and Action Plan for #AgriculturalModernization. The two sides will also conduct joint research on agricultural technologies adapted to local African conditions.

6.1.2 China will support its enterprises to participate in localized production of fertilizers, pesticides and small agricultural machinery and tools in Africa in a market-oriented manner, to help Africa achieve import substitution, raise agricultural productivity, reduce agricultural production costs, and extend agricultural industrial chains. The two sides will encourage their enterprises to jointly explore the development of eco-friendly agriculture, animal husbandry and tourism industries, build and run a number of agro-eco-tourism parks, extend industrial chains and increase added value. China will build satellite remote sensing centers, earth science laboratories and meteorological stations in Africa, and strengthen scientific and technological cooperation with Africa in such fields as sustainable agricultural development, water-saving irrigation, food loss reduction, support for agricultural adaptation to climate change, and prevention and reduction of natural disasters. The two sides will jointly promote trade in agricultural products, promote entrepreneurship and employment in the agricultural sector, and expand the market for African cash crop products through information and digital cooperation, particularly through e-commerce, personnel training and sharing of experiences. 

6.1.3 The two sides will strengthen cooperation on inspection and quarantine mechanisms for African agricultural exports to China, enrich and improve the “green channel”, and explore agricultural trade cooperation through interactions between China’s tariff-free zones and free trade zones in Africa. The two sides will encourage the construction of China-Africa cross-border agricultural products storage logistics project.

6.1.4 China will step up support for mechanization of agriculture in Africa by means of aid, lease, cooperative management and joint venture assembly to raise Africa’s agricultural production efficiency.The Chinese side plans to build the China-Africa centre for tropical agricultural science and technology (joint laboratory) with African countries, and consider promoting the new varieties and technologies related to cassava. The Chinese side also plans to build the partnership with the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on improving the value chains of the rice, transforming the sustainable crop system and the health of soil. The Chinese side will support the implementation of organic and ecological agriculture in Africa through various sustainable initiatives aimed at combating food and nutritional insecurity, climate change, soil fertility management and poverty reduction.

6.1.5 China will encourage enterprises to increase agriculture-related investment in Africa, explore cooperation across the whole industrial chain including agricultural and aquaculture production, processing, manufacturing of machine and equipment, and logistics, and participate in the building of agricultural and aquaculture cooperation parks and food storage facilities in Africa. China will organize China-Africa agricultural priority industries technology exchanges and investment and trade promotion activities, with a view to building cooperation platforms for the two sides.

6.1.6 The two sides commend the establishment of tripartite demonstration center by China, Ethiopia and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), to carry out cooperation in such fields as agriculture, animal husbandry and green development,and provide policy consultation and development planning for all African countries.

6.1.7 The two sides will give full play to the China-Africa agricultural cooperation mechanism, hold agricultural science and technology forums and agricultural entrepreneurs dialogue, encourage more African countries to negotiate and sign agricultural cooperation documents, set up mechanism for policy information communication, and assist African countries in making country-specific, science-based and sustainable agricultural development plans. China and Africa affirm the target agreed at the 2nd Africa-China Agricultural forum in November 2023 of reaching US$ 20 billion in exports of African agricultural products to China by 2030. To support value-added trade in agriculture, the development of African geographic indications and increasing agricultural productivity in Africa, China will encourage new foreign direct investment in the agricultural sector.

6.1.8 The two sides will support the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the African Academy of Sciences in setting up a China-Africa Agricultural Science and Innovation Union, build platforms for agricultural technology cooperation and exchanges, and organize events to promote China-Africa science and technology innovation and its outcomes, in order to facilitate coordinated development of agricultural technology and industry in China and Africa.

6.1.9 The two sides commend the successful launch of the first set of China-Africa modern agriculture technology demonstration and joint training centers in the Chinese provinces of Hainan, Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Jiangsu. The two sides will continue to harness the above-mentioned centers to strengthen knowledge sharing on agricultural technology, application of innovation and cultivation of talents. 

6.1.10 The two sides will support Chinese and African scientific research institutions in setting up joint laboratories and joint research center in the field of modernized agriculture including green development, plant protection and animal disease prevention and control on the basis of equitable benefit sharing of results. The two sides will work for the establishment of China-Africa seed technology research and innovation platform and a joint research center for digital agriculture, and promote the application of agricultural remote-sensing and big data technology in Africa.

6.1.11 The two sides will continue to deepen exchanges and cooperation in fishery and carry out projects to improve sustainable development capacity in fishery and blue economy in order to help African countries improve their capacity in areas such as aquaculture, aqua product processing, resource surveys, conservation and sustainable use, and cold chain transportation. The two sides will jointly combat illegal, unreported and unregulated(IUU) fishing.

6.1.12 The two sides will continue to deepen cooperation with UN agencies like the FAO, the World Food Program (WFP), and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and participate in the in-depth reform of international institutions and institutional frameworks in the field of food and agricultural governance. The two sides will continue to strengthen cooperation with international organizations, nongovernmental organizations, international financial institutions, the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa, the International Bamboo and Rattan Organization, and the African Development Bank.

6.2 Poverty Reduction and Rural Development Cooperation

6.2.1 The two sides agree that poverty is the natural enemy of humanity, and eradication of poverty is the primary objective of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as well as one of the objectives of the first Aspiration of the African Union Agenda 2063. Enhanced cooperation in the field of poverty reduction and rural development will bring more benefits to people on both sides, and contribute to building a world free from hunger and poverty. Africa commends China’s targeted poverty eradication approach that has lifted nearly 100 million people out of poverty in rural areas under current standards and achieved the poverty reduction target of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 10 years ahead of schedule. The African side express appreciation to China for undertaking the 47 poverty reduction and agricultural projects in Africa since the eighth Ministerial Conference of FOCAC. 

6.2.2 The two sides commend the “a Hundred Companies in a Thousand Villages” events launched by the China Corporate Social Responsibility Alliance in Africa. The two sides will continue to carry out exchanges and cooperation in the field of poverty reduction and rural development. China will continue to send agricultural experts to African countries in accordance with the needs and agricultural development of the recipient countries.

6.2.3 The two sides will set up multi-tiered dialogue mechanism on poverty reduction and rural development, organize events such as FOCAC poverty reduction and development conference, China-Africa ministerial conference on health cooperation and development, and China-Africa agricultural cooperation forum. Exchanges on community-level poverty reduction and workshops on poverty reduction and rural development policy will be held in line with the needs of African countries.

6.2.4 The two sides will leverage the role of China-Africa Partnership for Poverty Reduction and Development, and promote experience sharing on poverty reduction. Technical support will be provided to help African countries accelerate poverty reduction and realize the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at an early date.

6.2.5 The two sides will work together to advance implementation of the special cooperation plan on technology-driven poverty reduction under the Belt and Road Initiative, promote the application of China’s poverty reduction-related technologies and experience, and enhance the internal driver of poverty reduction among African countries.

6.3 Food Security

6.3.1 The two sides believe that ensuring food security bears on people’s well-being, social stability and national development. Achieving food security and improved nutrition is a major goal in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Africa appreciates the positive contribution of China-Africa agricultural cooperation to achieving food security and self-sufficiency and upholding food sovereignty in Africa. Africa will work with China to safeguard the security of the food supply chain and to address global food security challenges.

6.3.2 Africa appreciates China’s launch of the Food Production Enhancement Action under the GDI, and welcomes China’s launch of the China-FAO South-South Cooperation Trust Fund (Phase III) to help African countries and other developing countries achieve agricultural modernization and food security. Africa thanks China for providing multiple batches of emergency food assistance, carrying out cooperation on agricultural technology, and supporting Africa’s agricultural modernization.

6.3.3 The two sides will strengthen cooperation across the industrial chain of grain crops and the breeding of sesame and other oilseeds, and will promote fine breeds of high-producing layers and white-feathered broiler in Africa, to promote food self-sufficiency in Africa. China and Africa will also cooperate to use technologies to support the production of traditional grains that play an important role in ensuring food security in many countries.

6.3.4 China will promote the use of dry farming techniques and carry out cooperation on drought early warning in African countries through such means as technical assistance, South-South cooperation and tripartite cooperation, to help African countries build drought resilience and overall capacity for food production.


7.1 Accelerating Industrialization in Africa

7.1.1 Africa commends the Initiative on Supporting Africa’s Industrialization launched by China at the 2023 China-Africa Leaders’ Dialogue, and again calls on the international community to step up support for the AU Action Plan for the Accelerated Industrial Development of Africa, the G20 Initiative on Supporting Industrialization in Africa and LDCs, and the Third Industrial Development Decade for Africa (2016-2025) initiated by the U.N. Building on the industrial promotion initiative launched in 2018 and the China-Africa industrial plan and agricultural modernization plans launched in 2015, as well as from the African side the #AfCFTA, the Africa Mining Vision (#AMV) and Accelerated Industrial Development for Africa (#AIDA), China reiterates its commitment to seeing inclusive growth in Africa to achieve its aspiration to become the world’s third largest economy and world’s largest manufacturing hub by 2063. Recognize that value-addition is a priority, China will support Africa’s mineral value chain upgrading through direct investment in refining and processing.

7.1.2 China supports Africa in developing its manufacturing sector, creating “Made in Africa” brands, encouraging the development of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), giving full play to its advantages in natural and human resources, and moving upward in the global value chain. China encourages Chinese and African enterprises to build a community of shared interests, strengthen coordination and cooperation on industrial and supply chains, and explore the establishment of a dialogue mechanism between Chinese and African MSMEs.

7.1.3 China will step up support for building special economic zones, industrial parks and free trade zones in Africa to advance Africa’s industrialization. China will make use of various cooperation parks in Africa and work with African countries to set up in various sub-regions demonstration parks with distinctive brands and special preferential policies, so as to promote interconnected economic development in the sub-regions.

7.1.4 Africa will continue to improve its policy on business and investment environment to attract more foreign direct investment from China and other countries, especially in the field of infrastructure. The two sides will explore their appropriate partnership models including but not limited to the invest-build-operate-acquire, invest-build-operate-transfer modes and public-private partnerships to create better conditions for industrialization in Africa. The two sides will enhance experience sharing and technology transfer, support the training of talent for Africa’s industrialization, strengthen education and vocational training cooperation, especially training for improving the capacity of young people and women, promote gender equality, and encourage young people and women to start businesses.

7.2 Energy Cooperation

7.2.1 The two sides recognize that energy is a key sector for the continental economic and social development and an important part of China-Africa cooperation. New energy, as an emerging strategic industry, is crucial for industrial transformation and economic development in the future. The African side appreciates China for assisting Africa in carrying out green development and environmental protection projects and building low-carbon demonstration zones in Africa, and is willing to explore with China a green and sustainable way of energy cooperation. China will encourage investments in a range of renewable energy projects across Africa, including solar, wind, green hydrogen, hydroelectric, geothermal power initiatives. China and African countries will promote the exchanges of expertise, best practices, and innovative solutions in renewable energy, implement comprehensive capacity-building programs to empower African professionals, entrepreneurs, and communities in the renewable energy sector.

7.2.2 Building on the Declaration on China-Africa Cooperation on Combating #ClimateChange adopted in Dakar in 2021 as well as the outcomes of the African Climate Summit held in Nairobi in 2023, China and Africa will intensify efforts to collaborate to increase renewable energy in Africa. The two sides will build stronger synergy among various energy development strategies, conduct joint researches tailored to local conditions to improve energy accessibility and affordability in Africa. In this regard, China will support the Continental Power Systems Master Plan under the leadership of the AUDA-NEPAD Agency and within the framework of AU Agenda 2063. China is willing to support Africa in exploring and utilizing energy resources, and encourage Chinese enterprises, on the basis of market principles, to participate in the upgrading of energy facilities in Africa and continue to carry out energy cooperation in hydropower and other fields. China will support Africa to utilize existing energy resources such as thermal power generation and make them more environmental friendly through introduction of appropriate technology on a market based principle. China and Africa will create policy frameworks that can stimulate more renewable energy investments, promote market competition, and ensure long-term sustainability. African countries will enhance the capabilities of regulatory institutions to increase investors’ confidence in the renewable energy sector. 

7.2.4 China will actively support African countries to improve their energy policies, upgrade and improve their power generation and transmission network across the continent to make it more efficient and reliable. China will conduct professional training for relevant African governments and major enterprises.

7.2.5 The two sides welcome the positive role of the China-AU Energy Partnership. China will support the development capabilities of Africa’s green and low-carbon transition industries through assisting African countries in formulating investment policies, encouraging the establishment of joint ventures, and providing capacity building to connect Africa to the global supply chain of the green products. China will give full play to its strengths in the utilization of solar and wind energy, support African countries in making better use of renewable energy sources, further expand investment in Africa in energy-saving technologies, high- and new-technology industries and green and low-carbon industries, work with Africa to build photovoltaic demonstration projects, support the China-Africa Energy Innovation Cooperation Accelerator project, and advance cooperation in the green industry, so as to support African countries in improving their energy mix and upgrading their industrial structure.

7.2.6 China will implement a special project of clean energy power supply, assist African countries with distributed photovoltaic energy storage systems, and support enterprises in building large clean energy power generation projects in Africa.

7.2.7 The two sides will hold the 2nd Project Promotion Conference of Energy Cooperation under the AU-China Energy Partnership to strengthen policy dialogue and technical exchanges in energy, and encourage Chinese and African think tanks to engage in dialogue on policy, technology and management related to renewable energy.

7.3 Trade Facilitation

7.3.1 The African side commends the Chinese side for establishing a “green channel” for the export of African agricultural products to China, providing zero tariff treatment for Least Developed African Countries for 98% of products exported to China, and facilitating the export of high-quality African specialty products to China. The African side applauds the record-high trade volume between China and Africa, and the status of China as Africa’s largest trading partner for 15 consecutive years.

7.3.2 China commends the important progress made in the development of the AfCFTA and will continue to provide logistic material and technical assistance to the AfCFTA Secretariat. The two sides will harness the role of the China-Africa Economic Cooperation Expert Group and continuously expand cooperation in the field of free trade zone development. 

7.3.3 China commends Africa’s adoption of the Digital Trade Agreement to create an integrated digital market for the free movement of goods, services, capital and personnel. China is ready to strengthen practical cooperation with Africa on digital trade, strengthen the alignment of digital trade rules and supports domestic enterprises in expanding cooperation in such areas as 5G network, smart cities and e-commerce. So as to promote digital trade in Africa.

7.3.4 China will take proactive steps to expand market access for Africa, with a view to facilitating entry of African goods and services into the Chinese market on more favorable and competitive terms. China will improve measures related to the “green channel” for export of African agricultural products to China, help African countries build e-platforms for food trade, and enable them to cooperate with food trading platforms in China. The two sides call for the wider use of the Pan-African Payment and Settlement System and the Cross-border Interbank Payment System (CIPS) though RMB across Africa and encourage the use of their own currency in transactions.Within the framework of WTO rules, China will further promote pro-Africa trade facilitation measures, accelerate the coordination of rules in various fields, and expand imports of African high-end industrial manufacturing products on a global scale.

7.3.5 China is willing to strengthen communication with African countries and continue to share on China’s relevant customs regulations and information to facilitate the import of African products including by organizing training for stakeholders in the trade of African agricultural and food products. 

7.3.6 China will continue to hold the e-commerce promotion events for quality African products and tourism, deepen cooperation on trade in services, digital products, e-commerce and other fields. China will continue to hold major exhibitions, set up the African Products Exhibition Area in the China International Import Expo. China welcomes the participation of African governments, industry associations and enterprises in the China International Import Expo, the China Import and Export Fair, the China International Fair for Trade in Services, the Global Digital Trade Expo, and the China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo, and their convening of trade and investment promotion activities through exhibition channels to promote domestic products and services. China will promote the participation of Chinese Enterprises in Economic, Trade and Investment Exhibitions hosted by the African side. The African side welcomes Algeria’s hosting of the 4th Intra-African Trade Fair (IATF) 2025, and invites China to discover the various opportunities offered by the African market, and to develop business in the different economic sectors.

7.3.7 China will support African countries in building export demonstration zones and trade exhibition centers for animal husbandry, Juncao (fungus grass), tropical specialty crops, among others, to enhance their export capacity to China.

7.3.8 China will support African countries in building up capacity in areas such as animal and plant quarantine, import and export food safety and sanitary quarantine, in order to accelerate the trade of soybeans, beef, nuts, coffee, cocoa, red wine and other agri-food, aquatic and fishing products.

7.3.9 The African side appreciates China’s implementation of the “Smart Customs” partnership program under the GDI and is ready to play an active part in “Smart Customs, Smart Borders, Smart Connectivity” cooperation. China will expand cooperation with customs authorities of African countries in areas such as clearance facilitation, law enforcement and capacity building, jointly combat unlawful and criminal acts such as counterfeiting, commercial fraud, and illegal smuggling of cultural heritage and endangered wildlife and their products.

7.4 Infrastructure Development

7.4.1 The two sides recognize infrastructure development as a basic guarantee for industrialization. The two sides will jointly implement the important consensus reached at the high-level meetings themed “Industrialization, agricultural modernization and green development—the path to modernization”and “pursuing high-quality Belt and Road cooperation as a platform for modernization featuring planning together, building together and benefiting together.” Africa appreciates China’s assistance with the 21 key infrastructure connectivity projects implemented in Africa following the eighth FOCAC Ministerial Conference to enhance connectivity in Africa. China will encourage financial institutions and businesses to participate in African infrastructure projects in accordance with business principles through an integrated invest-build-operate mode, public-private partnerships, and so on, to create more enabling conditions for Africa’s industrialization.

7.4.2 The two sides will encourage, through market-based means, Chinese businesses to participate in cooperation on highway, railway, logistics and overseas warehouse in Africa within the framework of Belt and Road cooperation. 

7.4.3 China encourages competent Chinese businesses to participate, in accordance with market principles, in the construction and operation of African ports, including the building of modern ports encompassing handling, logistics and trade service, and supports shipping companies in opening new routes between China and Africa in response to market demand.

7.4.4 The two sides encourage competent Chinese businesses to invest in African airports and airlines, and support air transport businesses in opening new routes and flights based on bilateral traffic rights arrangements and market demand. China stands ready to enhance mutual recognition of civil aviation standards with Africa to promote connectivity in standards.

7.4.5 The two sides encourage green transport transition. This encourages Chinese businesses to participate in installation of infrastructures to support the green shift with renowned Chinese advanced technology.

7.5 Digital Economy

7.5.1 The two sides view the development of the digital economy as a strategic choice made to seize the opportunities presented by the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, and commend the success of the China-Africa Digital Cooperation Forum and the Forum on China-Africa Digital Capacity Building Cooperation. Africa appreciates Chinese assistance with the 18 major digital economy projects implemented following the eighth FOCAC Ministerial Conference to promote digital transformation in African countries, and supports the China-Africa Action Plan for Digital Cooperation and Development proposed by China. The two sides will commit themselves to building an ecosystem for China-Africa digital cooperation to share the benefits of the digital economy and bridge the digital divide. China will support digital transformation and acceleration innovation in Africa.

7.5.2 China and African countries will jointly carry out the Action Plan for China-Africa Digital Cooperation and Development, strengthen the synergy of strategies, and deepen cooperation in digital policy, digital infrastructure, digital innovation, digital transformation, digital security and digital capacity, to jointly promote inclusive growth and sustainable development, bridge the digital divide, advance modernization through digitization, and achieve common development and broad-based benefits.

7.5.3 Africa will take an active part in the Initiative to Promote Digital Literacy and Skills for All put forward by China under the GDI, and calls on other countries and international organizations to join the Initiative and provide support to developing countries in growing the digital economy and strengthening capacity building.

7.5.4 Africa applauds China’s launch of the SDGSAT-1 and sharing of data with the international community including African countries, and appreciates China’s provision of satellite mapping data products to Africa, which supports Africa’s science-based decision-making in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. China and Africa will work to strengthen the use of telecommunications, information and communication technologies while protecting users’ personal data.

7.5.5 The two sides will advance cooperation in such areas as high performance computing and robotics, support the development of digital innovation start-ups, and explore the joint establishment of advanced digital technology cooperation centers and innovation accelerators.

7.6 Financing Cooperation

7.6.1 The two sides believe that financing cooperation provides a strong impetus for high-quality cooperation between China and Africa. Africa thanks China for putting forward the nine programs at the eighth FOCAC Ministerial Conference in Dakar in 2021 and, within this framework, providing US$10 billion in credit facilities and US$10 billion in trade finance to Africa, encouraging Chinese businesses to invest an additional US$10 billion in Africa, and channeling US$10 billion in Special Drawing Rights to African countries. Africa appreciates China’s positive contribution to helping African countries address debt issues through multilateral and bilateral channels, and urges other bilateral official creditors, commercial creditors and multilateral creditors to participate in the handling and restructuring of African countries’ debts under the principle of joint actions and fair burden-sharing. China and Africa also congratulate the African Development Bank and the People’s Bank Of China on the successful deployment and results of the 1st US$2 billion phase of the Africa Growing Together Fund. China looks forward to contributing to an ambitious 17th replenishment of the African Development Fund (ADF).

7.6.2 The two sides call on the IMF and the World Bank to reform their lending approval procedures to support African countries in accessing development financing more efficiently. The two sides call on the international community to honor the financial commitments made to Africa to help its climate response.

7.6.3 China will implement a cooperation plan with African financial institutions, and strengthen cooperation with multilateral development institutions including the African Development Bank, the West African Development Bank, the Eastern and Southern African Trade and Development Bank, and the African Energy Bank. China welcomes the establishment of a 3rd Sub-Sahara African seat at the IMF to strengthen its voice in the institution.

7.6.4 China will support equity investment institutions such as the Silk Road Fund and the China-Africa Industrial Capacity Cooperation Fund in actively expanding investment in Africa. China stands ready to support infrastructure development, energy resources development, agricultural and manufacturing development, and the integrated development of the entire industrial chain in Africa through a combination of concessional loans, other types of loans, equity investment and trade financing. Based on the abovementioned financing support, China will provide integrated services in inclusive finance to Africa. Through loans, cooperation with bilateral and multilateral financial institutions, and experience sharing and exchanges, China will support livelihood projects in African countries and the capacity building of African SMEs, to help enhance the sense of fulfillment and happiness of the African people.

7.6.5 The two sides will continue to give play to the role of the China-Africa Financial Cooperation Consortium, strengthen information sharing and business cooperation between financial institutions of the two sides, support Chinese financial institutions in opening branches in Africa, and expand the use of the RMB in Africa.

7.6.6 Under the premise of observing multilateral rules and procedures, China will support African countries in effectively access of the resources of the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, and the New Development Bank, to broaden financing channels, promote information sharing, and strengthen capacity building. 

7.6.7 The two sides call on the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development to complete the 2025 equity review on time, and effectively enhance the financing and lending capacity of multilateral development banks through such means as capital replenishment. The two sides call on the IMF to increase as quickly as possible China’s quota by June 2025 and accommodate Africa’s concerns. The two sides call for promoting SDR reforms to fully accommodate Africa’s needs for development financing. Multilateral development banks should provide more long-term concessional loans and subsidies to fill the financing gap of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development without compromising official development aid. The two sides call on international financial institutions and multilateral development banks to integrate multidimensional vulnerability into existing practices and policies on debt sustainability and development support as appropriate under respective authorization and to re-examine the crucial question on the revision of debt sustainability. China welcomes the organization of the Annual Meetings of the IMF and the World Bank in the Kingdom of Morocco, in October 2023, and reaffirms the importance of the objectives contained in the Marrakech Declaration on accelerating financing for emergence Africa with a view to implementing a global financial architecture that is more equitable and more conducive to the development of Africa and the achievement of its growth priorities which respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of African States and contributes to the development of its populations. 

7.6.8 The two sides reaffirm that it is necessary for credit ratings made by certain international institutions on the economies of developing countries, including African ones, and which have an impact on the cost of borrowing, to be more objective and transparent. We encourage the creation of an African rating agency, under the aegis of the African Development Bank, the aim of which will be to establish a new evaluation culture which takes into account the specialties of African economies. In the same vein, we call for a reassessment of the gross domestic product of African economies, including the green wealth of the African continent.


8.1 Education

8.1.1 China highly commends the AU for making “Educate an African fit for the 21st Century: Building resilient education systems for increased access to inclusive, lifelong, quality and relevant learning in Africa” the theme of the year 2024, supports education transition in Africa, and believes that such efforts are beneficial to economic and social transformation and the improvement of the people’s well-being in Africa. Recognizing the importance of education cooperation in the sustainable development of China-Africa cooperation, the two sides are willing to better align the Plan for China-Africa Cooperation on Talent Development with the AU’s Year of Education to support Africa’s sustainable development.

8.1.2 The African side highly commends China for conducting the Luban Workshops and other vocational training programs in Africa, and appreciates China’s support in such areas as supplies and equipment, technical guidance, teaching professionals, personnel training and expanding access to technologies in schools, especially in rural areas. China will continue to implement the “Future of Africa” China-Africa Vocational Education Cooperation Plan, and work with African countries to develop high-standard Luban Workshops by adding more subjects and carrying out education in engineering technology.

8.1.3 The two sides will continue to support high-quality development of Confucius Institutes in Africa. China is willing to reach cooperation agreements on international Chinese language education with education departments of African countries, and support Chinese language education in Africa through the joint opening of Chinese language subjects, training of Chinese language teachers, digital teaching and learning, etc.

8.1.4 The two sides will support Chinese and African universities in implementing the “China-Africa Universities 100 Cooperation Plan”, partner with UNESCO to carry out the “Campus Africa: Reinforcing Higher Education in Africa through China-Africa Cooperation” program, and support study visits and professional visits to China by African researchers, so as to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in scientific research between Chinese and African universities.

8.1.5 China will work with African countries toward creating a China-Africa Regional Cooperation Center on Digital Education to provide digital proficiency training for teachers, share courses for students, and carry out education on cultural heritage, which can serve as a model for digital education and promote the application of digital education in more African countries.

8.1.6 China intends to develop a China-Africa Cooperation Program for STEM Teacher Training to provide training in the next three years for African teachers tutoring STEM subjects.

8.2 Talent Development

8.2.1 Both sides recognize that talent is the primary resource and tapping into this resource to drive modernization is critical to development and revitalization in China and Africa and to making development for the people, by the people and its fruits shared among the people. The African side commends China for providing quality education to African countries under Chinese government scholarships and bilateral and multilateral training programs. China will continue to make use of its government scholarship programs to help Africa train professionals across a broad spectrum of fields in modernized governance, economic and social development, scientific and technological innovation and impact, and livelihood enhancement. In this regard, China will support African countries’ talent development in academic fields relating, among others, to agricultural, fisheries, aeronautics and satellite, digital, medical and public health, engineering, oil and gas sciences. China will support the training of African students in the area of science technology, engineering and mathematics

8.2.2 China will continue to provide African countries with seminar opportunities, train African personnel in digitization, science and technology, satellite science, aerospace, medicine, tax collection administration, culture and tourism and medical science, among other areas, and encourage Chinese companies in Africa to create job opportunities. China will encourage universities as well as vocational colleges and schools to cooperate with industries in providing practical training to African students during their study in China.

8.2.3 China will provide “Chinese language plus vocational skills” education in Africa, jointly develop Chinese-language workshops with African countries where conditions permit, and train personnel with multiple skills including language proficiency, cultural awareness and vocational skills.

8.2.4 China will support African countries in conducting vocational medical skills training to help Africa enhance professional competencies in medical diagnosis and treatment, and training for engineers and technicians in the mining sector.

8.2.5 The two sides will strengthen cooperation in human resources and social security, and share ideas and experiences in such areas as promoting full and high-quality employment, improving lifelong vocational training systems and expanding the coverage of social insurances. 

8.2.6 China will continue to promote the implementation of the Excellence Training Program for Young African Agronomists and support the training for leaders of African rural development.

8.2.7 China will launch the China-Africa 100 Universities Cooperation Plan on the basis of the implementation of the China-Africa Universities 20+20 Cooperation Plan. China would like to accelerate the implementation of the African Health Support Program, support the sustainable development of Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, help African countries improve services in the medical system, step up training for African health workers and carry out academic exchanges and technical cooperation on medical care and medical education research.

8.2.8 China will implement the China-Africa Cooperation Program on Culture and Tourism Training, continue to improve the training of African human resources, increase experience exchange and information sharing with Africa in tourism development and strengthen African countries’ tourism carrying capacity.

8.2.9 China will implement the African Media Vocational Training Program, help African countries to cultivate high-caliber professionals in the fields of news, radio, television and tourism, and support Africa in enhancing the media’s capacity in offering radio and television services.

8.2.10 China will provide support for 1,000 African professionals in science and technology to receive training in China, and carry out 30 joint lab programs. China welcomes young Africans to join the Talented Young Scientist Program (TYSP) and the BRI Special Cooperation Program for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and welcomes them to work in China via such platforms as the Chinese Academy of Science’s “Belt and Road” Science and Technology Training Courses for Developing Countries (400 participants) and the exchange programs of China-Africa partner institutes. China encourages African research institutes and universities to join the Alliance of National and International Science Organizations for the Belt and Road Regions (ANSO), and will train 300 postgraduates and 30 specialists for Africa through ANSO’s scholarships and human resources programs.

8.2.11 China will support Africa in training a group of young medical professionals who can independently perform neurosurgery, cardiac surgery and other complex and advanced surgical procedures, and carry out vocational training for medical technicians and support staff.

8.2.12 The two sides will step up mutual learning and experience sharing in the digital domain, encourage their research institutes, think tanks and universities to strengthen cooperation, and work together to develop cooperation platforms for capacity building and train 1,000 professionals in the digital domain.

8.2.13 China will support African countries in improving tax administration capacity by such means as technical assistance and training, and provide no fewer than 100 offline training opportunities every year under the BRI Tax Administration Cooperation Mechanism (BRITACOM).

8.3 Women and Youth

8.3.1 The two sides acknowledge that young people as well as the future generations represent the hope of China-Africa relationship and that women make up an integral part in the big, warm family of China and Africa. The two sides will strengthen exchanges and cooperation of youth and women to cement the social foundation for building a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future and establish a FOCAC mechanism that belongs to the Chinese and African people. In line with the priorities of Agenda 2063 and the AU Strategy for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment 2018-2028, we agree to strengthen China-Africa cooperation for the promotion of gender equality and women’s empowerment while respecting different traditions and cultures, particularly in the areas of employment, leadership, decent work, entrepreneurship, education and learning, agriculture, health, access to financing, prevention and response to gender-based violence.

8.3.2 China will continue to hold the China-Africa Youth Forum on Innovation and Entrepreneurship and the China-Africa Youth Festival, continue to develop mechanism such as the China-Africa Young Leaders Forum, and promote exchanges and cooperation among Chinese and African youths through the International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship, the “Chinese Bridge” competition, visiting delegations, etc. China and Africa will foster new projects on capacity building in poverty reduction, rural revitalization, ICT, fin-tech, mobile payments, digital economy, e-commerce, cloud computing, big data and cyberspace security in order to leverage relevant impact on the high potential growth of these sectors in Africa, with a special emphasis on women’ participation.

8.3.3 The two sides support the CubeSat Middle School Student Science Project and will set up a China-Africa youth space alliance as a platform for space exchanges between Chinese and African middle school students, and explore new ways of science popularization in China-Africa space cooperation, so as to lay the foundation for realizing the development vision of emerging space countries in Africa.

8.3.4 The two sides will strengthen exchanges and cooperation in gender equality and women’s empowerment, support high-level women’s dialogue and seminars, hold the China-Africa Women’s Forum, provide small amounts of assistance to women, and conduct capacity-building programs for African women, so as to jointly promote the well-rounded development of women. China and Africa will provide access to finance, training, and mentorship programs specifically tailored to women entrepreneurs and business owners, ensure the participation of women in decision-making processes within industries and supply chains, recognizing their contributions and amplifying their voices. China and Africa will set up programs in youth education, skills training, and entrepreneurship programs to equip young people with the knowledge and capabilities needed to succeed in the industrial sector, facilitate youth-led innovation hubs, incubators, and start-up accelerators to support the development of innovative solutions to local and global challenges. China will implement special training programs for women and youth, and carry out an Education Empowerment Plan for Women Entrepreneurs in Africa.

8.3.5 Africa welcomes China’s implementation of the African Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program, and stands ready to support China in carrying out the second Program, so as to promote employment and entrepreneurship among African youth and facilitate the incubation of entrepreneurship and investment projects in Africa through online and offline training provided by the Program.

8.3.6 China will continue to enhance exchanges and cooperation with Africa on disability issues. The two sides will jointly conduct cooperation programs in such areas as rehabilitation, sports, education and employment. Training programs for youths and women will be designed in such a way as to benefit and include those with disabilities, with a view to advancing the sustainable development of people with disabilities and enhancing inclusiveness.

8.3.7 China will hold a China-Africa Wushu Exchange Forum, set up in Africa China-Africa table tennis training centers and hold table tennis training camps in Africa. 


9.1 Climate Change

9.1.1 The two sides acknowledge that climate change has become a major challenge to social economic and environmental sustainable development of China and Africa, and fully recognize the measures taken and great contributions made by both sides in climate change adaptation and mitigation. China speaks positively of the first African Climate Summit held in Nairobi in September 2023, calls for implementation of the climate finance commitments made at the summit and urges developed countries to step up support. China also congratulates the Kingdom of Morocco and Egypt for having organized the COP 22 and COP 27 which led to tangible results, notably the upholding and implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement, the Marrakech Declaration in favor of continental co-emergence, the establishment of the loss fund and damages as well as the work program for a just transition. The African side appreciates the Chinese side for the 17 projects on green development, environmental protection and climate action China has undertaken since the eighth Ministerial Conference of FOCAC.

9.1.2 Under the framework of South-South Cooperation on climate change and the Belt and Road cooperation, China will work with African countries to deliver on the Declaration on China-Africa Cooperation on Combating Climate Change, and promote the implementation of the Africa Solar Belt project. China will help enhance African countries’ climate response capabilities through supplies assistance, exchanges and dialogue, capacity building and joint research.

9.1.3 China will work with African countries to share knowledge products on climate change, and strengthen cooperation on capacity building and joint research in such areas as climate change and environment governance.

9.1.4 The two sides commend the practical outcomes of the COP 28 to the UNFCCC held in the UAE. The two sides believe that the UNFCCC and its Paris Agreement are the basis for climate change cooperation, and call on all parties to abide by their objective, principles and institutional frameworks, especially the principles of equity and common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, and accommodate and pay attention to the special situations, needs, difficulties and concerns of developing countries.

9.1.5 The two sides reiterate that in responding to climate change challenges, the international community should uphold multilateralism and oppose unilateral sanctions and green barriers, and emphasize that global economic growth, energy security and energy supply are closely linked, and energy transition should be achieved in a just, orderly, and fair manner. 

9.1.6 The two sides are committed to establishing a sound economic structure that facilitates green, low-carbon and circular development, deepening communication and cooperation in green development, actively participating in global environmental and climate governance, and jointly building a community of life for man and Nature.

9.2 Ecological Protection

9.2.1 The two sides recognize that ecological protection cooperation has become an important area in China-Africa cooperation. They speak highly of the important role played by the China-Africa Environmental Cooperation Center in strengthening exchanges and dialogue in environment policies and carrying out environment cooperation and joint research between the two sides, and will continue to implement the China-Africa Green Envoys Program and the China-Africa Green Innovation Program, among others. China supports the operationalization of the AUDA-NEPAD Agency Center on Climate Resilience and Adaptation.

9.2.2 The African side appreciates the leadership of China as the president of the 15th Conference of the Parties to the U.N. Convention on Biological Diversity. The two sides will give full play to the role of the Kunming Biodiversity Fund, continue to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, and promote the attainment of the goals set out in the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.

9.2.3 On the basis of the BRI International Green Development Coalition, China will invite African countries to participate in the BRI Green Innovation Conference and the BRI Eco-Talent Exchange Program as well as policy dialogue and capacity building activities under the framework of the Green and Low-Carbon Experts Network and the Partnership for Green Development Investment and Financing, so as to support Africa in enhancing environment governance and sustainable development capability.

9.2.4 China will continue to advance the China-Africa Bamboo Center project, and work with the African side to promote cooperation in bamboo and rattan such as “Bamboo as a Substitute for Plastic” and implement demonstration projects for international bamboo and rattan cooperation. The two sides will strengthen actions and support for the International Bamboo and Rattan Organization and encourage more African countries to join the organization.

9.2.5 China is willing to deepen exchanges and cooperation with Africa in desertification prevention and control by sharing its experience in integrated desertification prevention and control, providing continued technical support for the development of the “Great Green Wall” and acting on the U.N. Convention to Combat Desertification. The two sides congratulate the establishment of the International Drought Resilience Alliance to call on the international community to address drought that confronts both the Global South and Global North.

9.2.6 The two sides will strengthen exchanges in protecting wildlife and honoring the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. The two sides will support the protection and appropriate development and utilization of tropical rainforest resources in Africa, carry out grassland monitoring and restoration, and promote the protection and sustainable use of grasslands. China and Africa will promote sustainable practices and technologies to mitigate environmental impact and enhance resource efficiency in industries.

9.2.7 China will support Africa in developing comprehensive plans for water resource and river basins and improving water infrastructure. China is willing to carry out technical exchanges, talent development and project cooperation with Africa in water resource distribution, flood and drought prevention, rural water supply, water-saving irrigation, water ecology restoration, use of non-conventional water resources, and small hydropower development, among other areas.

9.2.8 China will help African countries enhance their waste and sewage treatment capability, and support African countries in building public environmental-friendly facilities, such as landfills and incinerators, in various forms.

9.2.9 The two sides speak positively of the importance of the China-Africa Geo-science Cooperation Center in technology application, information sharing and green mining and will jointly carry out practical cooperation in geo-science research, mineral development geohazards management and talent cultivation, so as to help Africa achieve economic, social and environmental sustainability.

9.3 Marine and Maritime Cooperation and Natural Disaster Management and Prevention

9.3.1 The two sides appreciate the establishment of China-Africa Maritime Science and Blue Economy Cooperation Center. The two sides will actively implement the China-Africa Joint Action Plan for Marine Cooperation (2024-2026) within the Framework of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, deepen practical cooperation in such areas as maritime science and technology, marine ecological restoration, marine observation and forecast, maritime disaster prevention and mitigation, comprehensive maritime management and blue economy, and promote in Africa the use of the platform for online analysis of ocean remote sensing, the assessment of sea level change and its impacts and the compilation of marine spatial planning, in order to boost African countries’ marine sustainable development.

9.3.2 The two sides will continue to strengthen the exchanges and cooperation in areas including maritime security, prevention of marine pollution from ships, and mutual recognition of sailor certificates.

9.3.3 The two sides will take the International Seabed Authority as a platform to enhance exchanges and cooperation, jointly advance deep-sea rule-making, and contribute to global ocean governance.

9.3.4 China will strengthen exchanges and cooperation with African countries on earthquake technology and disaster mitigation, support the role of the African Research Centre on Disaster Mitigation in seismic and volcanic activity monitoring, scientific research, and talent development, and help Africa’s capacity building for disaster mitigation.

9.3.5 China will work with African countries to further advance the building of the China-Africa Cooperation Center on Satellite Remote Sensing Application, share with the African side data, products, software and tools provided by land and marine satellites for natural resources, and carry out in-depth demonstration cooperation in the application of satellite remote sensing technology.


10.1 Public Health and Africa’s Pharmaceutical Industry

10.1.1 The two sides recognize that public health cooperation is an important part of the friendly cooperation between China and Africa, and that building a China-Africa community of health for all is an integral part of a high-level China-Africa Community with a shared future. The African side speaks highly of China’s donation of 240 million doses of vaccine and other anti-COVID supplies to 53 African countries and the AU and the sending of medical expert teams to 17 African countries in response to the COVID pandemic. The African side appreciates that the Chinese side has assisted the construction of the Africa #CDC headquarters, undertaken 25 medical health programs and helped build or upgrade eight medical and health facilities since the eighth Ministerial Conference of FOCAC. China and Africa will work together with a view to achieving the goals of the Global Compact on Refugees (#GCR) to make sure no one is left behind, in line with #SDG Agenda 2030. China welcomes the implementation of the African Health Strategy 2016-2030 with a view to enabling the continent strengthen its resilience and health sovereignty. 

10.1.2 China will continue to send Chinese medical teams and public health experts to African countries by favoring the sharing of experiences and good practices in medical matters to offer free medical services and hold public health awareness campaigns.

10.1.3 The two sides will advance the cooperation mechanism between paired-up Chinese and African hospitals, establish a China-Africa Hospital Alliance, and hold a conference on China-Africa hospital development and explore cooperation on remote medical service and smart medical service, to continue to improve the services and management of Chinese and African medical institutions. The two sides will work to strengthen the universal health coverage system in Africa to facilitate access to primary health care for all segments of the population including women, the elderly, newborns, migrant workers and refugees.

10.1.4 The two sides will host the Health Silk Road Cooperation Conference and China-Africa Ministerial Forum on Health Cooperation, institutionalize policy dialogue and technical exchanges on public health, establish the China-Africa Knowledge Exchange Center for Health Development Cooperation, and hold dialogue between Chinese and African think tanks on health cooperation. 

10.1.5 China will continue to support the Africa CDC and the AMA in order to support Africa in the rapid management of epidemics, through capacity building and adequate health infrastructure as well as the establishment of a continental drug control laboratory. Both sides support promoting the development of pharmaceutical production and the medical equipment industry in Africa including access to active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) through co-investment by Chinese and African private sectors, so as to help Africa reduce medicine and medical equipment imports and safeguard medical sovereignty. China will continue to encourage and support Chinese private enterprises in investing in Africa’s pharmaceutical industry. 

10.1.6 China will share clinical and disease prevention and control skills and technologies with African countries, and support key projects, to support African countries’ fight against HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, schistosomiasis and other infectious diseases as well as different types of cancers and cardiovascular diseases, help reduce maternal and infant mortality rates in Africa, child malnutrition, and support African countries in meeting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and eradication of preventable diseases and health promotion on the continent

10.1.7 China will use the Belt and Road Demonstration and Training Platform on Health Cooperation to share appropriate technologies in such areas as health policy, primary health care, maternal and child health, hospital management, imaging tests and laboratory biosecurity, conduct online and offline exchanges and training, so as to help enhance the accessibility of basic medical services in African countries and assist the realization of universal health coverage.

10.1.8 The two sides encourage closer exchanges between the Red Cross Society of China and Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in Africa and in the world in order to enhance cooperation in such fields as humanitarian assistance, emergency capacity building and community programs.

10.1.9 Both parties encourage exchanges and collaboration between traditional Chinese and African medicines in order to popularize them and promote their positive impact on the health of populations.With its proven expertise in traditional medicine, China will support the African pharmacopoeia sector.

10.1.10 China will work with African countries to set up a group of joint medical centers. The two sides will carry out high-standard exchanges and cooperation on appropriate technologies in the fields of heart health, blindness prevention, maternal and child health care, and hospital day care service, refine clinical protocols and guidelines, conduct quality control, explore joint scientific research, disseminate best practices, and promote the development of the health industry.

10.1.11 China will support the accelerated development of the AMA and implementation of the African Medicines Regulatory Harmonization (AMRH) program, to help improve the regulatory system for medical products in Africa.

10.1.12 China will explore cooperation with Africa under the New-Era Shennong Herbal Project, to jointly discover plant resources with medicinal value and explore more treatment methods in the traditional medical toolbox.

10.2 Culture, Tourism and Sports

10.2.1 The two sides believe that culture is an important spiritual bond that keeps the African and Chinese people together and tourism is a bridge that connects civilizations and strengthens friendship. Enhancing cultural and tourism cooperation has great significance for facilitating people-to-people exchanges and enhancing mutual understanding between the two sides.

10.2.2 China will continue flagship projects in African countries as the Happy Spring Festival, the China-Africa Cultural Focus and the Silk Road Artists’ Rendezvous, and support Chinese and African culture and art groups in attending international art festivals hosted by the other side and artists in having fields trips to inspire more art creation. The two sides agree to encourage their relevant institutions to participate in each other’s activities in the fields of music, art, acting, library and cultural heritage under the various frameworks including the Silk Road of Culture, and join such mechanisms as the Silk Road International League of Theaters.

10.2.3 The two sides will continue to implement plans of intergovernmental cultural agreements, encourage cultural exchanges at the subnational level, and support closer interactions between the two sides in cultural industry and cultural trade.

10.2.4 China supports all African countries that have diplomatic ties with China in becoming destinations for Chinese tourist groups, encourages the two sides to strengthen exchanges and cooperation on tourism to help revive Africa’s tourism industry. China supports its airlines in strengthening cooperation with African airlines to facilitate air traffic between the two sides. China supports its private enterprises in investing in Africa’s tourism industry.

10.2.5 China and African countries agree to attend each other’s large-scale tourism exhibitions such as China International Travel Mart. China supports African travel agencies in joining the World Tourism Alliance and the International Tourism Alliance of Silk Road Cities. China and Africa will host in both sides seminars on China-Africa tourism cooperation and enhance exchanges and cooperation in areas such as parks management, supporting tourism development through digital technologies and tourist destination promotion.

10.2.6 China will support the development of mass sports as well as sports disciplines in Africa. China is willing to supporting the preparation of high-level African athletes to participate in world competitions in relations with individual sports association.

10.3 Press and Media

10.3.1 The two sides believe that press and media cooperation is an important component of China-Africa friendship and cooperation, and is of great significance for promoting mutual understanding between the Chinese and African people. The two sides will strengthen exchanges and dialogue, and deepen the cooperation on press and communications, so as to better tell the story of China-Africa friendship and showcase the fruitful results of their cooperation.

10.3.2 China will facilitate the development of the audiovisual industry of both sides through ways including program exchanges, joint production, technical cooperation, mutual visits and personnel training. China will support the construction of the Converged Media Center of Africa, and will work with the African side to open children channels and carry out joint production of films and TV programs. China will support the African side in upgrading its audiovisual facilities, training media personnel, and preserving Africa’s historical audiovisual archives.

10.3.3 China will build platforms for media communications and cultural exchanges in Africa to boost the integrated development of African media. China will continue to implement the China-Africa Press Center Program and hold workshops and training programs for African media personnel.

10.3.4 China welcomes the joining of African media outlets to the Belt and Road News Network, supports the capacity building of African television, radio and other media groups, encourages exchanges and cooperation between Chinese and African people working in new media and personal media, and supports cooperation between Chinese and African Internet influencers, so as to produce more high-quality works.

10.3.5 The two sides will continue to strengthen the exchange of news and joint production of programs among Chinese and African media, hold activities including exhibitions of Chinese programs and China-Africa film salons, and organize mutual visits between news, radio, TV and film professionals.

10.3.6 The two sides will continue to enhance exchanges and cooperation in the field of film, hold workshops for young professionals in Africa’s film industry, support each other in hosting international film festivals, and introduce more Chinese and African films into each other’s market.


11.1 The two sides are satisfied with the efficient and smooth operation of the Coordinators’ Meeting on the Implementation of the Follow-Up Actions of the Eighth Ministerial Conference of FOCAC, the Senior Official Meetings (SOMs), and consultations between the Chinese Follow-up Committee of FOCAC and the African diplomatic corps in China. The two sides will continue to leverage the role of existing sub-forums under FOCAC, and further substantiate and institutionalize FOCAC.

11.2 The two sides encourage African members of FOCAC to strengthen connections with African Group of Ambassadors in China, which is an integral part of the Follow-up mechanism of FOCAC, in order to report progress on FOCAC outcomes.

11.3 In accordance with the procedures of the FOCAC follow-up mechanism, the two sides decide to hold the 10th Ministerial Conference in the Republic of the Congo in 2027, and, before that, the 18th and the 19th SOM in 2026 and 2027 respectively.

11.4 Based on the principle of equal rotation among regions within the AU, and considering that all African sub-regions have had countries as African Co-Chair of FOCAC for six years with the exception of central Africa, the two sides have agreed to arrange for two central African countries to hold the post in succession in the next six years. From the 11th Ministerial Conference of FOCAC in 2030 onward, the term of each African Co-Chair of FOCAC will be shortened from six years to three years. We welcome the Republic of the Congo as the co-chair of FOCAC from 2024 to 2027 and the Republic of Equatorial Guinea as the co-chair from 2027 to 2030.
