AUC Chair Faki Hails Convergence between Agenda 2063 and GxI at FOCAC Summit 2024

Excellency Mr XI Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China,

Excellency Mr Mohamed OULD EL-GHAZAOUANI, President of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania and Rotating Chair of the African Union (AU),

Excellencies Heads of States and Governments,

Mr Antonio GUTTERRES, Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN),


Distinguished guests,

Ladies and gentlemen,

Allow me in turn to pay tribute to HE XI Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China, for his efforts directed at reinforcing the China-Africa partnership within the #FOCAC framework.

On behalf of the African Union Commission (AUC) and on behalf of myself, I also wish to express too him and the Chinese people, my deepest appreciation for the warm welcome and the excellent organization of this Summit which has as its theme: “Joining Hands to Advance Modernization and to Build a High-Quality China-Africa Community with a Shared Future.”

Since its emergence as the wave of independence swept across the continent, Africa has focused its energies to work towards unity in order to be in a better position to face the challenges arising from its freedom and needed for its development. Africa gauges the significance of unity for each state.

In that regard, Africa has never hesitated to support the One-China Principle and its realization through a pacific process.

China and Africa have suffered for so long from similar challenges which were the source of profound shared history. This history, written in pain, has sealed a ‘common destiny’ which is the cement of our solidarity and our unwavering commitment toward the defense of our freedom, our national independences and our development as well as our ‘shared prosperity’ among our peoples.

In our spirit of solidarity with the peoples of the world, in particular with Africa, we salute China’s Global Security Initiative (#GSI), Global Development Initiative (#GDI), and Global Civilization Initiative (#GCI), which all tend towards the strengthening of peace, solidarity and prosperity for humankind. These initiatives are in perfect harmony with the aspiration of the AU #Agenda02063.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Since its launch in October in 2000, right here in Beijing, the FOCAC has illustrated itself throughout these many years of existence through its many realizations in most of the African countries. The realizations span the sectors of infrastructure, agriculture, energy, and many other fields. The volume of bilateral trade has reach USD 282 billion in 2023, according to the IMF.

China has demonstrated its good faith toward Africa in the efforts is deployed to mitigate the impact of #COVID19 by providing a line of credit of USD 10 billion.

Since 2021, FOCAC is now equipped with a new instrument in the form of the China-Africa #Vision2035, which complements projects under way, including the one to be finalized imminently such as the Africa Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the Panafrican University.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Debt relief constitutes for many African states an urgent imperative in order to provide vital economic breathing space for the debtor countries.

Additionally, it would be appreciated that, in the context of the efforts toward #industrialization, the portfolio of private investment into Africa would be sufficiently diversified by extending it beyond traditional sectors other than mining and energy.

In that regard, I am delighted too note our efforts are in line with the will of China t provide a decision push for the #modernization of the #GlobalSouth, and hence, of Africa, in order to nurture the emergence of a new model of innovative development. The ten new measures announced by President Xi are a testament to what I am saying.

Finally, in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution, at a moment when AU has decided to designate 2024 as the year of education, the issue of transfer of technology poses itself with acuity in order to enhance the productive capabilities of Africa and to subsequently reduce the magnitude of the commercial deficit.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Guided by our attachment to common fundamental values, Africa and China remain committed for Peace and Security, #PovertyAlleviation, #FoodSecurity, health sovereignty, environment protection, and the reform of the inequitable global political, diplomatic, financial and monetary system. The UN Secretary-General could not be a better authorized spokesperson on the matter!

Therefore, on this vast work site, we have many converging views with China. We share a common political will to reinforce our strategic partnership, to bring our contribution to the construction of multilateralism for peace, liberty, respect, and solidarity, veering away from hegemonic tendencies, the use of force, and the interference into the internal affairs of States.

Our ardent wish is too see the new multilateralism become the basis and framework for the realization of the dream of Humanity, which is the construction of a global civilization of peace and shared prosperity.

In order to accomplish this ambition, the AU would open its arms wide to all partners who are animated with similar sincere sentiments and motivations.

I sincerely wish that this Summit will be the opportunity to give a strong impulse in that direction.

I thank you very much for your kind attention.
