US VP Harris Plans African Tour to Deepen Ties

On 13 March 2023, a spokesperson declared that the upcoming tour of Africa by the US VP Kamala Harris will strengthen partnerships and advance joint efforts on security and economy. VP plans to take a trip to Africa at the end of March 2023 and the itinerary covers Ghana, Tanzania and Zambia as follows:


  • 26 Mar – 29 Mar Ghana
  • 29 Mar – 31Mar Tanzania
  • 31 Mar – 01 Apr Zambia

Following the US-Africa Leaders Summit in December 2022, several US high officials have flown to Africa. Harris’ tour follows in the steps of US Treasury Secretary Jenet Yellen and US Ambassador to UN Linda-Thomas-Greenfield. State Secretary Blinken is also on tour in Africa in mid-March while US President Joe Biden is expected to make a trip to Africa later in the year.

According to official sources, the tour aims to promote the fight against #ClimateChange, #GoodGovernance, #WomenEmpowerment and #FoodSecurity. To that effect, VP Harris plans to meet with businessmen, women entrepreneurs, young leaders and representatives of the African diaspora.

During the US-Africa Leaders Summit in December 2022, Harris declared: “Our administration will be guided not by what we can do for Africa but what we can do with Africa.”

The USA has been pulling all stops to present itself as a ‘better partner’ than China. However, African leaders have repeatedly clarified that they are not ready to pick sides. Therefore, in its reconquest plan of Africa, the Biden-Harris administration must carefully deploy its diplomatic drive so that Africans — caught in the midst of a geopolitical contest — do not feel pressurized.
