President Nguema Kicks Off Upgrade of Gabon-Congo Brazzaville Highway
On 1 November 2023, Gabonese President Brice Nguema kicked off the upgrade of the Ndende-Doussala cross-border highway linking Gabon to the Republic of Congo. This road segment is about 49 km long and is part of the Libreville-Brazzaville Corridor.
The financing for the project originates from the African Development Bank (AfDB) and Central Development Bank of Africa (CDBA). The contract is composed of two lots, with the main lot going to Chinese civil contractor SinoHydro and the secondary lot going to Gabonese company Unik BTP.
“The project, which will take two years to implement, will be a lever for economic development with the creation of 500 direct jobs. The highway and related community projects will improve the quality of life of the people along the corridor and reinforce the ties between Gabon and Congo.”
Gabon Minister of Public Works Flavien Nzoundou

The main lot consists of the upgrading of the 49 km segment of the cross-border N1-N3 Highway, involving civil works and asphalting. The civil works include the construction of a 2-km bridge across the Ngongo River near the border town of Moumba. The Scope of Works (SOW) also incorporate the laying of a fiber optic cable along the highway.
As for the 2nd lot to be undertaken by Gabonese #SME Unik BT, it involves the construction of a market, a kindergarten, and a multipurpose complex. Unik BTP will also be responsible for installing solar lighting, As part of the community development, Unik BTP will set up a platform for #WomenEmpowerment, rehabilitate three schools and three community health centers as well as the drilling of 8 water wells.
The Ndende-Doussala forms part of Phase I the larger Pasig regional infrastructure development master plan which also include the upgrading of the Kibangou-Dolisie 97-km on the Congo side. In Phase II, the 130-km Kibangou-Ngongo stretch will be upgraded.
It is to be recalled that Gabon and Cameroon upgraded the Libreville to Yaounde highway thanks to financing from AfDB and EU. The vision is to link up the capital cities in the region with modern and efficient transport corridors to enhance regional integration and boost socio-economic development.