Davos Reboots Amidst Geoeconomic Tensions in a Polycrisis World

Following a two-year hiatus due to the COVID, the World Economic Forum (#WEF2023), also known as the Davos Meeting, restarted in the ski resort town of Davos in Switzerland.

However, relatively few country leaders are attending this 2023 edition. German Chancellor Olaf Schultz, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, Chinese Vice-Premier Liu He, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella are among the speakers.

The theme for this edition highlights that WEF is “committed to improving the state of the world” by promoting “cooperation in a fragmented world.” The world has barely started to come out of the COVID pandemic that it got hit with the #Ukraine-Russia war. The trade war between US and China has intensified and spread into the technological sector. Thus, this year, the meeting will attempt to give a boost to the world economy through cooperation despite geoeconomic tensions riddling a world under multiple crises.

#ClimateChange, #EnergyTransition, #CircularEconomy remain key topics. This edition has a strong focus on the Digital Economy with #AI, #Blockchain, #Metaverse and #Cybersecurity featuring prominently.

Despite the multiple challenges, Davos aims to explore innovative ideas to promote trade and investment and build up momentum for a rebound of the world economy.
