South Africa to Host AGOA Forum from 2 to 4 November 2023

Based on a communique from the Office of the US Trade Representative, the US and South Africa have come to an agreement to hold the 20th #AGOA Forum in Johannesburg from 2 to 4 November 2023.

Previously, there was some pressure from some quarters to move AGOA Forum away from South Africa. South Africa was seen to be too close to Russia for the liking of the US. Finally, Russian President Putin skipped the XV #BRICS Summit and allowed the situation to play itself out.

“I am looking forward to visiting South Africa in November 2023 to reaffirm the US’s commitment to the African continent and discuss opportunities to make AGOA more transformative.”

US Trade Representative Katherine Tai

The Forum will bring together the governments of USA and AGOA-eligible countries as well as representatives of key Regional Economic Organizations, the private sector, the civil society and labour union representatives.

This edition of the Forum will feature the ‘Made in Africa Exhibition’ to promote local value addition (#LVA) in line with the aspiration of the AU #Agenda2063 for Africa to integrate into and move up the Global Value Chain (#GVC). In fact, the Forum will strive to showcase Regional Value Chains (#RVC) on the African continent.

“AGAO has helped to promote the export of African goods to the United States, and we believe there is scope to deepen its impact on African #industrialization.”

South African Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition Ebrahim Patel

An extension of the AGOA beyond 2025 will provide visibility and certainty to businesses and investors. AGOA has provided and will continue to provide benefits to both the USA and Africa.

Since its enactment in 2002, AGOA has been at the core of the American economic policy and economic engagement with Africa. AGOA provides eligible African countries with duty-free access to the US markets for over 1800 product categories, in addition to the 5000+ products which enjoy duty-free access under the #GSP program.

“The AGOA Summit is an opportunity to build upon the success of the last US-Africa Leaders Summit (#UALS2) and to further our economic partnership with AGOA countries.”

USTR Katherine Tai

The extension of the AGOA will certainly support Africa’s efforts to boost economic growth via the #AfCFTA single market which cover 55 countries and 1.4 billion consumers.
