Angola Places ‘Green Bar’ Higher
On 27 September 2023 at the 12th Consultative Council in Benguela province, Angolan Minister of Energy & Water Joao Baptista Borges reiterated the objective to achieve at least 72% of renewable in the energy mix. Despite being a major oil-producing country, Minister Borges underlined the government’s commitment to the #GreenTransition by providing clean and affordable energy to all.
It is to be recalled that the Angolan President Joao Lourenco initially outlined the country’s objective for its #EnergyTransition at the #COP26 in Glasgow in 2021 as part of the ‘Energy Angola 2025’ program. The PV projects in Benguela province has been implemented by the Portuguese firm MCA Group.

Putting words into action, the first two PV plants with a combined capacity of 284 MW in Benguela was kickstarted and became operational in July 2022. The total investment amounted to about USD452 million.
One of the #PV plants is located in Biopio with a capacity of 188 MW at a cost USD 300 million. The second PV farm has a capacity of 96 MW in Baia Farta and costed USD 152 million.
Other PV projects are in the pipeline in the provinces of Huambo, Bie, Lunda, Lunda-Sul and Moxico which will add another 370 MW of green energy capacity by the end of 2023.
The financing of these projects came from the World Bank and French Development Agency (AFD). It is estimated that once all these solar projects are online, they will contribute to reduce annual emissions of CO2 by one million tonnes annually.

In addition, Minister Borges highlighted the expansion of the National Electricity Grid to the South and East, targeting the provinces of Huila, Namibe, Cuando Cubango, Cunene, Moxico, Lunda Norte and Lunda Sui.
Currently, 43% of the Angolan population are hooked up to the Electricity Grid, and the target is to reach 50% by 2025. In rural areas, the electrification rate is quite low, as only 8% have access to electricity. Under the ‘Energy Angola 2025’ plan, 250,000 households on average are to be connected to the grid annually.