EU and AU Align on Global Gateway Strategic Corridors in Africa
Following the EU-AU Summit in 2022, both sides identified a number of #StrategicCorridors to be developed under the Global Gateway Initiative (#GGI) It is worth recalling that the #GlobalGateway targets to mobilize some USD 300 billion for various infrastructure projects around the world, with the lion’s share of USD 150 billion going to Africa.
In November 2022, the #EU released a leaflet summarizing the envisaged list of strategic corridors as follows:
- Abidjan – Lagos
- Abidjan – Ouagadogou
- Praia / Dakar – Abidjan
- Cotonou – Niamey
- Libreville / Kribi / Douala – N’Djamena
- Douala / Kribi – Kampala
- Dar es Salaam – Nairobi – Addis Ababa – Berbera / Djibouti
- Mombasa – Kisangani
- Maputo – Gaborone – Walvis Bay
- Durban – Lusaka
- Cairo – Khartoum – Juba – Kampala

Under the Strategic Corridors and Urban Systems in Africa (#SCUSA), the parties initially identified 55 #EconomicCorridors which were either proposed by #AU member states or were picked if in line with certain broad objectives:
- Enhance #Connectivity between Africa and Europe
- Develop Human Capacity
- Promote Peace and Security
- Accelerate the Green Transition
- Foster Sustainable Growth
- Create Local Jobs
The assessment applied 140 quantitative indicators to whittle down the list to 11 Strategic Corridors by focusing on indicators related to economic welfare, equity, social inclusion, environmental impact and effect on vulnerable groups. The preliminary shortlisted corridors were then presented and dissected during the EU-AU Summit in February 2022 for eventual approval and support by stakeholders.