Tsingshan Ups the Ante in Zimbabwe

On 29 November 2022 at the State House in Harare, a ceremony took place which saw the signing of an enhanced MOU between the Tsingshan Holdings Group and the Government of Zimbabwe to enhance partnership in the mining sector.

The Government of Zimbabwe was represented by Mr Winston Chitando, Minister of Mines and Mining Development, while Tsingshan Group was represented by Mr CHEN Shangsong. Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa, Vice-President Dr Constantion Chiwenga, ZANU PF spokesperson Commander Christopher Mustvangwa and Tsingshan Group Chairman Mr XIANG Guangda were present and witnessed the signing of the document.

It is worth recalling that the original MOU was signed in June 2018 after Tsingshan Group Chairman XIANG Guangda visited Zimbabwe and met with President Emmerson Mnangagwa in April 2018. Originally, the agreement covered the setting up of Dinson Colliery and Manhize Iron Ore mine, including local value addition.

The enhanced MOU upgrades the partnership as follows:

  • Increase production of carbon steel to 5 million tonnes annually
  • Increase production of coke to 5 million tonnes annually from 280,000 tonnes currently
  • Increase production of ferrochrome to 500,000 tonnes annually from 150,000 tonnes currently

In addition, Tsingshan will add copper and cement production. In line with the trend to #EV, Tsingshan will also venture into #Lithium mining and processing. Related infrastructure involving the construction of a power plant, railway line to the port is also part of the new MOU.

“In view of the importance of rail transport to the modernisation and industrialisation of our economy, the proposed refurbishment and expansion of the country’s railway network system as envisaged under the MOU is a welcome development.”

Zimbabwe President Mnangagwa

On the other side, Tsingshan outlined that the increase in investment and expansion of operations is a sign of their confidence in the Zimbabwean government and economy.

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