Nigeria Can Transition to 60% Renewables by 2050
According to the “Renewable Energy Roadmap for Nigeria” report released by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) on 13 January 2023, Nigeria can transition to 60% of renewables in its energy mix by 2050 by reducing 65% its consumption of oil and 40% in natural gas.
The study was undertaken by IRENA in collaboration with the Energy Commission of Nigeria. It sets a much more ambitious target compared to the current “Planned Energy Scenario (PES)” Mirroring the PES, the updated plan is named the Transforming Energy Scenario (TES).
In addition, the authors of the report estimate that the USD 1.22 trillion TES will cost less than the USD 1.24 trillion of the PES, which represents a savings of one billion dollars per year to implement the plan. It will greatly contribute to upgrade the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) of Nigeria in the fight against #ClimateChange.
By using its abundant, untapped renewables, Nigeria can provide sustainable energy for all its citizens in a cost-effective manner. Nigeria has a unique opportunity to develop a sustainable energy system based on renewables that support socioeconomic recovery and development while addressing climate challenges and accomplishing energy security.
IRENA DG Francesco La Camera
The TES puts forward 18 actions across a number of sectors including power, construction, transport, manufacturing and agriculture, in order to accelerate the decarbonisation. One of the key recommendations for Nigeria to adopt Electric Vehicles (#EV) and mass transportation. The use of biofuels in place of fossil fuels is also to be promoted. With the execution of the TES, Nigeria can hope to achieve universal access to electricity by 2030.
The highly distributed institutional structure of the energy sector in Nigeria means that coordination of policies will be essential to unlocking integrated energy transition planning and ensuring its success. A cross-cutting agency or body tasked with doing so would help build consensus and develop a coherent plan which in turn would allow for the scaling up of renewable energy to meet the needs across the Nigerian energy sector.
Nigerian Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation
Furthermore, the Nigerian Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation added: “This assessment is timely, given the Government of Nigeria’s commitment to reducing its greenhouse gases by 20% unconditionally and 47% conditionally by 2030, as well as to reach net-zero emissions by 2060, as expressed by at #COP26 in Glasgow in 2021.”