First US-Mauritius Business Summit 2024 to be Held in Mauritius
The first US-Mauritius Business Summit, organized by the US Department of Commerce, will take place in Mauritius from 21 to 22 August 2024.
Thanks to #AGOA, the US has become one of the largest importers of Mauritian products. As the relationship evolves and grows, AGOA has also fostered the development of Regional Value Chains (#RVC) in the textile sector with design and marketing in Mauritius, cotton cultivation from Mozambique and apparel finishing in Madagascar.
Similarly, Mauritius sources raw diamonds from continental Africa. Then, it polishes and cuts the stones before exporting the gems to the USA. Mauritius even supplies to the famous jewelry chain store, Tiffany.

In view of the renewed interest in Emerging Africa by the US, American firms can base their Regional HQ in Mauritius which offers a pleasant lifestyle. By taking advantage of the multitude of #FTA, #DTAT, #IPPA, and other financial and legal instruments available through the Mauritius International Financial Centre (#IFC), US corporations can also structure their deals to the African continent via the #MauritiusIFC.
According to a recent study conducted by London-based Capital Economics, nearly 10% of all #FDI into Africa is routed through the #MauritiusIFC
As at end-December 2022, the #CDIS of the International Monetary Fund indicates that the USA remains the top source country in the Mauritius jurisdiction with investments amounting to USD 76.1 billion, ahead of the Cayman Islands at USD 42.1 billion.
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