Ghana Ready to Add Nuclear to Energy Mix

With a view to diversify its energy mix, Ghana is planning to go nuclear. An EOI has been launched for the construction of a nuclear plant and the contractor will be selected by December 2024.

Among the main contenders, we note the usual suspects:

  • Rosatom (Russia)
  • NuScale Power (USA)
  • Regnum Technology Group (USA)
  • China National Nuclear Corporation (China)
  • Kepco (South Korea)

Currently, only a handful of countries in Africa — such as Egypt, Uganda, South Africa and Burkina Faso — are considering going the nuclear route for power generation. In the case of Egypt, it is believed that Rosatom and the Egyptian are in advanced stage of negotiation to implement a 4,800 MW nuclear power station.

With the need to manage fluctuations in oil prices and the urgency to combat #ClimateChange, more and more African countries are pondering the nuclear option. The option is especially to countries which have a readily available source of uranium.
