China to Pilot Lithium Battery Manufacturing in Zambia

A Chinese firm has announced that it will pilot the manufacturing of lithium batteries in Zambia. The manufacturing facility will necessitate an investment of some USD 30 million and will be sited in the Zambia-China Jiangxi International Economic and Technical Cooperation Zone (CJIC).

The project follows the official visit of President Hichilema to China in 2023. During his visit, he had the opportunity to pay a visit to Comtemporary Amperex Technology Company Limited (CATL), a leading world producer of #lithium batteries.

The CJIC also houses a copper wire factory and and transformer plant. The ready availability of copper from the Copperbelt region is one of the main reasons for such business ventures.

The Zone has an area of 600 hectares is is located 100 km north of the capital Lusaka. Jiangxi United Industrial Investment was created to operate the zone and is also responsible for attracting FDI from China. Jiangxi United will invest an initial USD 40 million for building up the basic infrastructure and has set a a target to attract USD 600 million into the Zone. The Zone is considered a flagship and model project under the Belt and Road Initiative (#BRI).

The agricultural component will welcome a tobacco processing facility which will eventually output cigarettes for domestic consumption and international exports.

The Zone consists of an industrial park, agricultural processing zone and technical innovation centre and is also known as the Zambia China Jiangxi Multi-Facility Economic Zone (ZCJMFEZ). The MFEZ was officially inaugurated back in October 2023.
